1:1 custom approach to fix your hormones naturally so you can have painless periods, energy and weight loss.



Next Round Starts in May!

Banish your painful periods and mood swings once and for all.

Feel energetic and in sync with your body all month long.


  • You are literally terrified of the pain that always shows up with your period

  • You believe pain and symptom free periods are far fetched and impossible to achieve

  • You wake up with migraines and struggle through the day

  • You've done everything and just can’t drop the weight, and you hate the way you look

  • You have to call in sick to work the first two days of every period

  • You are so tired and fatigued; you are surviving everyday with a “smile” painted on your face

  • You haven't had your period in months, maybe years, and you are not sure what this means about your body

  • You are worried something is wrong and you might not be able to have kids someday

  • You are scared because your periods are super irregular, you will get one, and then not have one for a few months

  • You completely cannot relate to the women who know to the day when their period is going to show up

  • You are MOODY and ANXIOUS



I used to believe my painful, debilitating periods were normal!

When I was diagnosed with fibroadenomas (benign breast tumors), I began to learn that my irregular cycles, debilitating periods, and overwhelming fatigue were all connected.

I tried all of the supplements, tests, and diets to treat my fibroadenomas and painful periods for over THREE YEARS!

And guess what?!

I still felt very alone and found myself wondering, “what is wrong with me”.

After three crazy years, I finally discovered the root of my issues and saved my health! I stopped trying to treat the fibroadenomas and focused on the root issue which was my hormonal imbalance.

My fibroadenomas started shrinking, my cycles became regular, I had pain-free, symptom-less periods, and I lengthened my luteal phase!

Now, I help women just like you have painless periods, get over weight loss plateaus, have regular cycles and get rid of anxiety and mood swings!

YOU CAN START TODAY and I will be there every step of the way with my happy little babies and my hair permanently in a messy bun! 

“Only a week in and I am about to ovulate and didn’t even notice!

I normally have horrible migraines, mood swings and anxiety at this point! 🙌

My husband told me yesterday that I have been so much more chipper the past couple days. ❤️”

“I’m about halfway through my period. And I’ve had almost no cramping.

And usually I get this pretty intense pain with pooping the first couple days of my period. And I didn’t get it this time!! So thank you for all your help.”

“I started this to balance my hormones. I’ve had terrible cramps for so many years! Since I was 13. And they have just been getting worse. Nothing has helped.

Doing this I’ve learned so much about my cycle. My cramps are not completely gone but they are no longer all day!!!

I’ve also learned my luteal phase is short and I haven’t been ovulating. And as I have been doing this for my hormones, I have also LOST 15 Pounds!! Nothing is better than learning how MY BODY WORKS!!!!”


Your skin is glowing and you no longer dread the monthly hormonal acne!

You no longer get bloated after every meal or feel 10lbs heavier during every period!



  • Phase 1: Evaluate Your Baseline

    Send in your hair for an HTMA so we can see where your health baseline is. You can’t change if you don’t know where you’re starting!

  • Phase 2: Build Your Foundations

    Build strong, unshakeable hormone health foundations while reducing inflammation and regaining your energy! You will learn to start rewiring your brain for healing.

  • Phase 3: Implement Your Protocol

    Implement your personalized protocol based on your HTMA results. You are building the rest of the structure of your house.

  • Phase 4: Your Sustainable Health Journey

    You have all your tools, you start implementing on your own, but we are here for support and your safety net as you navigate your new sustainable health journey.


Save $500 with code EARLYBIRD!


Reserve your spot today for $3300

Payment plans available starting at $550 a month

For extended payment plans scroll to the bottom of the order page and then click on the affirm button.

What If...

  • Your periods were easy and symptom-free?

  • Your periods were always regular and showed up on time?

  • You could effortlessly maintain a good weight without having to obsessively restrict calories?

  • You knew and understood how nutrition fuels your body?

  • You didn’t have to live in a state of fear or uncertainty around food?

  • You were full of energy and your skin was glowing?

  • You could consistently show up powerfully for your friends and family because you were no longer weighed down by mood swings and anxiety?

  • You had a step-by-step guide for aligning and supporting your body through nutrition?

What You’ll Learn Inside


11 core modules of step-by-step action to understand and balance your hormones.

“the HORMONE RESET PROGRAM® has been life changing!”



“I’ve dealt with irregular and missing periods, 3 miscarriages, bloating and whole lot of frustration. My doctor’s answer was to run some inconclusive tests and slap a label of PCOS on it. He told me, “You could consider going on birth control.

I didn’t want a bandaid fix. I wanted to figure out the root of why I felt like I was constantly fighting my own body.

Mind you - I ate “clean”, exercised, and had even kicked the booze habit. I’d tried every vitamins regimen and did the allergy and sensitivity tests. Nothing was working.”



“Leah’s program taught me how to track my cycles for more than just ovulation, identify food sensitivities, and to seed cycle.

I ditched my cabinet full of vitamins and replaced it with some gut healing supplements and nutrient rich food. I was able to recognize I have a short luteal phase! And that whey protein and peanut butter are not my jam.

Still have some work to do - since hormone change is not an overnight fix - but am glad to be on the right track to peace with my body.”

There’s a reason this has worked for 100s of women!

The difference here is I have a secret three step framework to fix your hormones that works every time.

This has worked for 100s of women because you learn sustainable lifestyle shifts and rewire your brain for healing so you can finally be consistent in your healing journey.



  • Private support and coaching with your own HTMA certified health coach (personally trained by Leah) to answer all your questions

  • HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) and personalized protocol

  • Training modules (with lifetime access!) & recipe ebook

  • 3 month program with weekly group coaching calls

  • Exclusive community (We actively engage and answer questions inside the group!) Community is how you get results FASTER!

  • Private podcast feed with daily 5 minute episodes to help you stay consistent and apply the program (without overwhelm!)

  • BONUS HTMA retest at the end of the program so that you can not only see how far you’ve come, but have a clear plan to support yourself moving forward!

  • Bonus 3 months of continued support with monthly group coaching calls AFTER you finish your first 3 months


SAVE $500 with code EARLYBIRD for limited time


Reserve your spot today for $3300

Payment plans available starting at $550 per month(click on extended payment plans for this)


  • Breaking Up with Birth Control

    If you want to join the program, but are still on birth control, you can jump into this mini program before we even start!

  • Recipes for Your Cycle

    A food cycling recipe ebook to help you naturally balance your hormones through your nutrition.

  • Switch & Ditch Guide

    Your roadmap to non-toxic living! Simple product swaps (with savings!) so you can eliminate toxins from your home.


Use code EARLYBIRD to save $500!

Next Round Starts in May!

What if my period seems fine, but I’m struggling with other symptoms, like low energy, brain fog, or poor sleep?

the Hormone Reset Program® can help you!

While PMS and painful periods are a common indicator of hormone imbalance, they’re not the only symptom. If you are struggling with non-period related issues, the Hormone Reset Program® can help you uncover the root cause and create a personalized protocol to resolve symptoms by balancing your hormones and minerals.

Meet Your Team

That’s right, not one but THREE coaches dedicated to helping you achieve success with all of your hormone goals!

Leah Brueggemann

Functional Diagnostic Nutritional® Practitioner

Leah, Hormone Reset Coach, sitting at desk, rose gold macbook, holding son Landon

I know how frustrating your hormones can be, and that they are controlling your life.

When I was diagnosed with fibroadenomas (benign breast tumors), my world turned upside down. After three crazy years I finally discovered the root of my issues, and saved my health!

I stopped trying to treat the fibroadenomas and focused on the root issue which was my hormonal imbalance. I used nutrition to support my hormones and find out my food sensitivities so my body could heal!

My fibroadenomas started shrinking, my cycles became regular, I had pain-free, symptom-less periods, and I lengthened my luteal phase! We later found out that I was pregnant and we now have our wonderful baby boy!

Now, I help women just like you have painless periods, get over weight loss plateaus, have regular cycles and get rid of anxiety and mood swings!

Kaitlin York

B.S. Exercise Science & Certified HTMA Practitioner

Kaitlin, exercise specialist, sitting outside smiling

Over the 12 weeks of this program I assist you by caching you on your hormone and cycle regulating journey!

I also teach and provide exercises that are not only tuned to your body, but also your cycle, so that you are working with your body not against it.

I am looking forward to helping you realize your strength!

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in exercise science and nutrition from MSU-Denver. However, my fitness journey really started when my college softball career came to an end, and I plunged into the power-lifting world!

This was about the same time that I went off of birth control, and my body went into total meltdown mode and I quickly realized just how important nutrition is; not only for my workouts but also for my hormones.

I had a whole slew of problems and all while competing in a new sport. I needed a change! It was a difficult adjustment learning to eat to fuel your body rather than eating for survival.

Marisha Peters

Licensed Practical Nurse & Certified HTMA Practitioner

Received my nursing degree in 2014 and worked as a nurse for 7 years before staying at home with my kids. I had horrible cycles and digestive issues as long as I could remember.

After being diagnosed with endometriosis, I relieved many of my symptoms through nutrition and lifestyle changes.

But after the birth of my second child, I found myself feeling drained, frazzled, and having lots of postpartum depression and anxiety issues.

I decided to do Leah’s 1:1 program and found out through my lab work just how drained my body was! By the end of Leah’s program I felt so much better! Now I have painless periods, my energy levels are amazing, and my digestion has improved immensely.

I love showing other people that they don’t have to live with debilitating symptoms and they don’t have to live sick. Just because your parents or grandparents had health issues, doesn’t mean you have to follow the same path.

Functional medicine started as a “last resort” for me and is now the reason I won’t end up with all the health problems that have ran in my family for years. If I had continued on the path I was on I could’ve been met with diabetes, debilitating endo, and potentially infertility.

I want to educate others so we can pass on to the next generation how to nourish your body and be able to live your life without worrying about health issues.

How would your life change if you felt great ALL MONTH LONG?


This is the roadmap and blueprint to balancing your hormones naturally and becoming 100% symptom free.

I know it’s scary to invest, but we have never had someone go through this program and commit to their protocol without seeing results.

“I am feeling great today!

I started my period this morning, and this is the first time in months that I did not have cramps before my period and today I’ve only taken two Tylenol!

This is also one of the first times in a while that I did not have to call in sick to work, or to leave work early because I was feeling sick.”



I am so blessed to help them to celebrate painless periods, get over weight loss plateaus, understand their body, have regular cycles and ovulations, and one of my very favorite celebrations of no more anxiety or mood swings.

I cannot wait to help you have these celebrations too!



Don’t see your question?

Get in touch.

  • Giirrrlll, unless you make a change nothing is going to change!

    I get it, I made one of my biggest investments into my business three months after I had Landon.

    I was worried about making an investment into my business, and it wasn't always easy juggling a baby and growing a business...but I encourage you to dig deep and really ask yourself if it's the money itself or if there's something else you're resisting? We have payment plans for this reason

    For me, it feels like there's always something that can get in the way, but it's our duty to be our biggest advocate for our health and you stopped on this page for a reason!

  • I understand how scary an investment can be. I honor that fear that is coming up for you.

    My clients have used this program to attain painless periods, drop 20 pounds, get rid of their anxiety and mood swings, and banish migraines.

    While we're confident in the material, the success of our program depends on each client's commitment to the process and their willingness to consistently implement what they learn.

    We can guarantee you will receive valuable information and will learn to understand your hormones.

  • About 4.5 hours per week.

    The group calls are about 1 hour per week, and you will probably spend another 2 hour prepping for your week, and the third hour will be split up however you like! The workouts are optional but highly recommended!

  • New round starts the beginning of next month!

  • Giirrrlll, unless you make a change nothing is going to change!

    I ask you, is there something holding you back, not related to time? And, will you really be okay having all of the same problems you have now 3 months, 6 months, or even a year from now?

    Having gotten all "coachey" on you, yes. I will be offering this again, in the spring and early summer

    However, how do you want to feel in 10 weeks? Do you want to be already feeling amazing and noticing a difference, or just starting out.

  • Absolutely! We have payment plans starting at $1100 per month!

  • Due to the digital nature of this program, we do not offer refunds as you will get immediate access to the content upon joining.

    If you have any questions prior to joining the program, please get in touch and I’ll help you decide if this is a good fit for you!