Sweet & Spicy Non-Toxic Gift Ideas

Let’s talk about some non-toxic gift ideas for Valentine’s Day - or really for any time! Whether you’re buying gifts for yourself or your loved ones, these are some great ideas.

OR maybe your significant other will be buying you gifts. If they need a little help, you can send them this list 😉

Daydream Desserts

We're gonna start with chocolate because obviously we NEED to start with chocolate. This is my new obsession - Daydream Desserts. These are truffles that are gluten-free, dairy-free, refined sugar-free, and basically have nothing bad in them.

I've tried the holiday sampler kit which was incredible. The peanut butter manuka honey is especially good. Those ones have peanuts, dates, cacao, raw manuka honey, unrefined coconut oil, mineral salt, and then they're dusted with cocoa powder, coconut sugar, and cocoa butter.

That’s it. Those are all the ingredients! So I'm not saying they don't have sugar in them. They 1,000% have sugar in them. But it's coconut sugar and maple syrup and dates and honey, so it’s all natural sugar. How awesome is that?

It's still gonna spike your blood sugar so please still pair it with something. But yeah, it’s SO good - I am thoroughly obsessed with them.

So if you would like somebody to buy you truffles, you can send them this link. Or just get them for yourself!

Hu Chocolate

My next favorite chocolate of all time is Hu chocolate. And I know you’re thinking, “But Leah, what about the metals?” So let’s take a minute to talk about the difference between forever chemicals and heavy metals.

A lot of things that come from the ground - like raw cacao, peas, seeds, carrots - naturally contain some type of metal. For example, magnesium contains arsenic, it's naturally occurring, which is why I recommend you get brands that have lower concentrations of that.

If you want to dive deeper into that, the podcast, Heal Thyself by Dr. Gonzalez has an episode all about chocolate and lead found in chocolate. He does a great job of breaking it down.

On a scale of 1 to 10, my obsession would be a 12 with the dark chocolate hazelnut coffee. It's so good.

Also, their milk chocolate is made with dairy from grass-fed cows and it’s just amazing. If you pair that with some nut butter, it's actually a wonderful blood sugar-balancing treat.

Evolved Chocolate

Another brand that has good ingredients is Evolved Chocolate so I definitely recommend checking that one out too!

Yum Earth

And if you're not a chocolate person (Are there people that are not chocolate people? Who are you?) Yum Earth has some great dye-free candy. So if you or your loved ones don’t love chocolate, this is a great option!

Organo Mushroom Coffee

Okay, so besides chocolate and candy, this is another yummy gift idea for my coffee lovers!

Mushroom coffee. My favorite brand is Organo and they have three types: King coffee, Royal coffee, and Black coffee. If you love black coffee, than the Black coffee version is probably going to be your favorite.

I thoroughly love the Royal coffee. It has Lion’s Mane and Cordyceps which are so good for you so that’s my favorite. I also like King coffee because it has a slower release of caffeine from the mushroom spores, but the Royal coffee is an instant mood boost.

When ordering from Organo, I always recommend a wholesale account. It's a pretty hefty discount which can save you some money on those boxes of coffee.

On a related note, another great non-toxic gift could be coffee mugs! I would love a cute coffee mug with my mushroom coffee. Especially something handmade because then you’d also be supporting small businesses!

Further Foods Collagen

And then I would also pair that coffee with Further Food Collagen because I just love, love, love their chocolate and hazelnut collagen peptides. This also helps so you won't get a blood sugar spike from drinking your coffee.

Westman Atelier

Okay, so moving on from food and drinks. Let's talk about makeup. Makeup is a tricky one because everybody has different styles and preferences, so it can be really hard to buy for other people.

So we're not gonna talk about foundations or anything like that, just a few things that can be fun for anybody! One of my favorite non-toxic makeup brands is Westman Atelier. I like their blushes, highlights, cream sticks, and lip glosses. Any of these could be a really fun, cute little gift and you can even get the sample sizes to try lots of different things out.

Dime Beauty

Okay, next, can we talk about perfume for a moment? Perfume is just SO toxic. I really don’t recommend regular perfume at all. But I know that's super sad for a lot of people so something that I would recommend is Dime Beauty.

Dime Beauty has perfumes that are non-toxic. I never get headaches from their perfumes, like sometimes happens with other brands. And they have a super cute sampler kit that you can get to find out which ones you like best before you buy a full-size bottle. The sampler kit is also a great gift option!

They also have a men's cologne that smells so good! If you like that musky, deep type of scent, you’ll love this one.

Rowe Casa

Now in the spicy category - I don't think we've ever had a spicy category before! 


I think that everybody needs to have Rowe Casa lube in their life. That's all I gotta say about that. It’s phenomenal. It’s not going to give you a yeast infection or have any negative effects like you might see with other drugstore options.

They also have massage oils that could be great for yourself or for a spicy night with your spouse.

Bathtub Collection

Their bathtub collection would also make a fun gift. It comes in a cute little box and there are a ton of options. There’s a calm one, an immunity one, a muscle relief one, a revive one, a romance one, and a sleep one.

And if you’re like, “What on earth is the romance one?” That one has oils, like ylang ylang, which is known to enhance libido for some people.

Detox Bath Salts

They also have detox bath salts, which I LOVE. So that's another option if you're not a bath bomb person. Another just fun one would be their lip scrub and chapstick, which I'm obsessed with. And their nail cuticle oil comes in a cute little bottle so it can go on your counter and you can feel really fancy. And they have face masks! Face masks would be a great gift to get on Valentine’s day (or really any time).

I tried to fill this list with things I would like to receive. Because let me tell you something, if somebody, even with the best intentions, bought me like, the pit cream from Rowe Casa, or the body wash, or the shampoo, I would be like, "So, do you think I stink?” You know!? I'm not sure how well I would receive that gift.

But if somebody bought me chapstick, llip oil, nail cuticle oil, or a bath bomb, you know, something more luxurious that I can feel fancy about, I would 100% love to receive that.

For all of these non-toxic gift ideas from Rowe Casa, you can use code LEAH to get 20% off on your first order.

If you’ve already created an account on Rowe Casa using that code, keep an eye out for their text messages. Every once in a while they'll send out 10% off coupons and that's when I stock up.

Static Nails

The next fun gift idea is for your nails! You’re never going to have a completely non-toxic nail. I'm so sorry. But Static Nails is a great start. They're awesome. I’ve found that their nail polish doesn't really chip and it can last for at least a week.

I use both their primer and their top coat and I find that to be very useful and it dries pretty fast. I love their colors. So yes, highly recommend Static Nails!

They also have press on nails too which I’ve heard phenomenal things about, but I personally haven’t tried them yet. They also have a great non-alcohol-based polish remover.

Natural Sloth

Candles are another really fun gift! Natural Sloth is amazing. I love them. They're an Etsy shop that makes beeswax candles with pure essential oils. So good and all non-toxic.


I'm somebody that is totally into free gifts. Like, spend some time with me, write me notes. I love all of those things. Literally notes and love letters - those are high on my gift-giving love language list - and they’re definitely non-toxic 🙂

So, those are a few great, fun, non-toxic gift ideas! You can go from coffee to chocolate, or truffles to skincare, or bath bombs to makeup. Take your pick and tag me on Instagram @leah_brueg to show me what you tried!


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