Finding Relief for Endometriosis Symptoms

Many of my clients with endometriosis have seen a considerable improvement in their physical health, mental health, in their pain levels, and in their overall quality of life. And I want to share this with you so that you too can find relief for endometriosis pain!

But before we dig into all the ways you can support your body and relieve endometriosis symptoms, I just want to preface this with a few things. Endometriosis is a complex issue and it is SO individual. But the one thing I've noticed with ALL of my endo clients is that everything needs to be much slower than you think it does. If you DON’T have endo, you can increase a supplement or you can introduce a new food or a new protocol much faster. But with endo, I found that you’ll get better results by introducing new things much slower. 

For example, let's say you're going to be taking one capsule of a supplement. You need to start with something like one capsule every three days. Or maybe do a quarter of the capsule every day for a while and build it up slowly over time. This is because your body is just so depleted and so tired that it reacts very strongly to things you're doing.

Do you need to detox? Yes. Do you need to make your body stronger? Yes. But you want to do it in a way that's not going to risk your quality of life and make things way worse before they get better. So by doing things very very slow, you can get your body used to new supplements, foods, protocols, whatever you need, without shocking your system. 

I tend to incorporate a lot of muscle testing with my endometriosis clients. I do it with all my clients, but it’s especially important here because what works for one person may not work for another. So I really want to make sure you’re getting the best rounded support. 

I also think it’s very important to take a full body approach to endometriosis so another thing you can do is have a pelvic floor therapist on your side who specializes in endo. I love Dr. Angie Mueller; she's my pelvic floor therapist and she works virtually! When dealing with endometriosis, it’s important to have a medical team on your side who specializes in this and can truly help you heal.

So with all that said, let’s talk about how you can find pain relief for your endometriosis symptoms.

How to Find Relief for Endometriosis Pain


Okay, so one of the first big things you can do to manage endometriosis is reduce your toxin exposure. These chemicals are found in basically everything from plastic packaging, clothes, dryer lint, vacuum cleaner, dust, bleached paper products, and on and on.

4 Ways to Reduce Your Toxin Exposure

  • Focus on air quality with some kind of air filter, like an air doctor.

  • Avoid using bleach products.

  • Avoid cooking or storing food in plastic.

  • Replace conventional items with natural, non-toxic alternatives.

Gut Health & Nutrition

Endometriosis is also an autoimmune issue and it’s highly connected to your gut bacteria, so you also want to focus on digestive and gut health. So at this point, maybe you need to run a GI map and find out if you have parasites causing inflammation or a mold issue. Many people have a genetic expression where they literally can't detox mold very well. So you could have been exposed to it at some point and your body just cannot get rid of the mycotoxins, which cause inflammation in the body

When it comes to your gut health, micronutrient diversity is also very important, which means you need to get your veggies in and get as much variety as possible! I also recommend cooking your vegetables to make them easier to digest if your digestion is not so great right now. You might do better with eating things like broccoli sprouts. And if you eat beans or rice, make sure to pre-soak it to get rid of any phytic acid which is hard on your digestive system.

Studies also show improvement with endometriosis with a gluten free diet. But to start actually seeing the improvement, you have to be gluten free for 12 months. You can't go gluten free for three weeks and be like, “Well, I didn't notice a difference.” I  know 12 months is a really long time, but the studies back this up, and I’ve seen it help so many women!


These are the supplements I recommend that can really help you find relief for your endometriosis symptoms and pain.

Ion Gut Health

Ion Gut Health helps get glyphosate out of your body. You just take about a teaspoon of this before every meal and it’s going to help heal your gut issues that are caused by glyphosate. I recommend purchasing this from Wellevate Dispensary


NAC is a natural anti-inflammatory that did really well in clinical trials for endometriosis. Of the 47 women in the NAC treatment group, 24 canceled their laparoscopic beat due to the disappearance of the endometrium. And they got results like a reduction in pain and getting pregnant! So NAC is another awesome supplement you can try.


Turmeric reduces the size and activity of endometriosis lesions, which is amazing. It works by blocking the estrogen stimulating effect. You do need a concentrated dose of this though to see the results, not just like sprinkling a bit on your food or something.


Zinc is another anti-inflammatory nutrient and most women with endometriosis are deficient in zinc. Zinc can help repair intestinal permeability and also helps reduce prostaglandins and pain. 

I do want to caution you against just randomly starting a high dose of a Zinc supplement though because it can also throw your other minerals out of balance. So I recommend getting a hair mineral analysis so that you can make sure to balance your other minerals and not massively throw things out of whack and end up with all sorts of other issues from that.


Omega-3s are really amazing at helping reduce prostaglandins and pain. You can get this from food, like salmon or take a supplement, like fish oil. 

Another great supplement to get your Omega-3s is spirulina algae! ENERGYbits® is my absolute favorite brand for algae supplements.

Use code LEAHB for 20% off ENERGYbits®

Liver is another great way to get your Omega-3s and it’s also super micronutrient dense and especially high in B vitamins which will be so supportive for you. Adding organ meats to your meals a few times a week is going to be incredibly helpful. 

And if you're just like, “Leah never in 1000 million years will I eat liver.” Suck it up, honey cup! I'm just kidding. But I do really recommend trying it! You can actually get a capsule form from Ancestral Supplements, but you do have to take like eight of them to get all the benefits. 

Otherwise, you can grind it up and mix it in your hamburger or something like pasta (but ideally you’re going gluten free, so use something like a cassava pasta!). I’ve also seen people chop it into little bits and freeze it and then they just swallow those bits whole.

Ned CBD Hormone Balance

Hormone Balance from Ned CBD is another supplement I highly recommend. CBD has been shown to lower inflammation in your body and reduce the migration and adhesions of immune cells. And if you have endometriosis, you're going to have inflammation, so I really really love this one to address that!

Use code LEAH for 15% off at Ned CBD

I love the hormone balance blend (and so do many of my clients!). It contains black seed oil, evening primrose oil, red raspberry leaf, milky oats and oat straw, stinging nettle, a bunch of stuff for your liver, and lemon balm. Lemon balm is very calming. Milky oats and oat straw and stinging nettles are super high in minerals. You're going to be very depleted from minerals, so this is great for you. Also, if you have endometriosis, red raspberry leaves help with the toning of the uterus, which will help with your pain on your period. Flaxseed oil actually has been shown to help with period pain too. So I highly recommend this blend in particular! 

As a sidenote, it’s really important to be careful which CBD companies you choose. So many companies are selling a high-concentrated dose of CBD that’s also full of pesticides and other crap, and it costs a lot but doesn’t even do anything for you!

Ned CBD is the one company I really trust and have actually gotten on Zoom calls with them. They’re incredibly transparent on their website, which is amazing. You’ll get a batch number with your order and you can literally see where it was grown, who the farmer was, the extraction process, who it was formulated by, and their testing which is fantastic.

Castor Oil Packs

Castor oil packs are amazing to put over your liver and uterus a few times a week. It's so good for your uterine health and also great at supporting your liver. This is important because toxins go through your liver and it also needs to flush out excess hormones, so the more you can support your liver, the better!

Cold Water Plunges

Okay, this one isn’t actually a supplement, and it may make you hate me, but cold water plunges (or a cold shower) is so good at reducing inflammation and promoting healing in your body. You can start with the cold showers, which is a little bit easier, or you can just jump right in and do an ice bath.

So to sum up, these are the things you can start doing to support your body and finally find relief for endometriosis pain!

  • Reduce your toxic exposure

  • Detox excess estrogen

  • Focus on digestive & gut health

  • Start a gluten free diet

  • Add some supplements to your routine

  • Castor Oil Packs

  • Cold water plunges

Remember to take things slowly and try one new thing at a time to see how your body reacts before diving in and trying to do all the things at once.


Find Relief from Endometriosis inside the Hormone Reset Premium Access Program!

Together, we’ll complete a DUTCH test and hair mineral analysis to find out EXACTLY what’s going on in your body and develop a fully personalized protocol to support your hormones.


The recommendations presented in this blog are not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified doctor. Before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle, please consult with your health care provider.

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