Discover how you can use nutrition to balance your hormones naturally so you can have pain free regular periods!
by Leah Brueggemann, Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutritional® Practitioner

How to Reduce Bloating from Food Sensitivities
If you’re sick of feeling bloated and uncomfortable after eating, you may have some hidden food sensitivities! Let's start by debunking a common misconception: food sensitivities are not the root cause; they're symptoms. This is how you can finally find bloating relief!

7 Ways to Treat Adrenal Fatigue
Adrenal fatigue leads to symptoms like blood sugar imbalance, weight gain, anxiety, poor sleep, memory lapses, and a general decrease in overall awareness. Learn how to treat adrenal fatigue so you can finally feel like yourself again!

The Benefits of Castor Oil Packs
Castor oil packs are a natural approach to support liver detox, aid digestion, soothe inflammation, and more. Whether you're going the DIY route or prefer the convenience of a pre-made kit, castor oil packs can be a great addition on your journey to better health!

Symptoms and Causes of Low Progesterone
There are so many things you can do to support your body and increase your progesterone naturally! Progesterone affects things like anxiety, depression, PMS, and more, so it’s an important hormone for women to pay attention to! These are the most common signs and symptoms of low progesterone, and I’ll show you how to increase progesterone naturally, and why you should actually care about your progesterone level.

3 Ways to Stick to Your Health Goals During the Holidays
You know how the holiday season always kind of feels like you’re in limbo and all our normal routines go out the window? It’s hard to know what to focus on and what to let go of so that you can enjoy spending time with family and friends. You don’t have to miss out on the holiday season because you’re following a rigid plan. There are three ways you can make progress on your health goals, while still enjoying the holidays!