3 Ways to Stick to Your Health Goals During the Holidays

You know how the holiday season always kind of feels like you’re in limbo? Especially that weird time from about Christmas to January where no one is really sure what day it is and all our normal routines go out the window.

So many of my clients have come to me asking what to focus on and what to let go of when things are getting busy, they’re hanging out with their family, and they’re surrounded by all kinds of delicious food all the time.

Of course you wanna enjoy your time with your family! You don’t wanna miss out on family traditions because you’re following some rigid plan.

So, let’s talk about three ways you can make progress on your health goals, while still enjoying the holidays!

1. Make Time for Yourself

Create some white space on your calendar for you. Whether that’s five minutes a day or ten minutes a day, set an alarm on your phone so it says, “Hey Julie, go outside and breathe!” 

You’ll be surprised how much getting outside, just breathing and getting fresh air will help calm your  nervous system. Taking this time for yourself is going to help you handle everything else so much better! 

So this is my number one tip: set an alarm on your phone and block off time for yourself. 

If you can block off even more time for something like taking a potassium magnesium bath, EFT tapping, going on a walk, doing a workout, that’s even better!

But if you feel like you have NO time at all, then you need to set aside 5-10 minutes to just get outside, breathe, and enjoy the fresh air.

2. Sit and Eat Your Food

Don’t skip meals just because you’re going to eat later at a holiday party or wherever! Sit and eat your meals throughout the day.

And the reason why I say that is because you’re going to be in a more rested and relaxed state, which also means you’ll be digesting your food better, instead of like standing all day, feeling hungry and stressed and fighting with your family or whatever. 

So this is really important to feeling good all day, even when your routine is up in the air. Don’t skip your meals because you’re expecting to eat a ton at the party, just eat normally throughout the day.

3. Eat Your Protein

No matter where you’re at, balancing your blood sugar is paramount! It’s going to make you less moody, less hangry, and it’s going to make you more enjoyable to be around! So, start your day off with some protein.

My family is Italian, so we have a tradition of making zeppoles (Italian doughnuts) on Christmas morning and they are the most delicious things EVER. Every time we spend Christmas with my family, we get to have my grandma’s zeppoles for breakfast.

But let me tell you what Leah eats with her zeppoles! I get some protein, I get some eggs, otherwise you’re not gonna want to be around Leah after about two hours when my blood sugar crashes and I’m cranky and mean to everyone because I’m hungry and shaky. 

So, no matter what your traditions are, please just have some breakfast with protein before you drink your holiday drinks and eat all the cookies. I promise you’re going to feel much better!

I don’t like things to be super complicated. If I gave you a thousand tips on hitting your goals during the holidays, are you gonna do them? Probably not!

So these are the key things that’ll make the biggest difference for you during the holidays:

  1. Set an alarm on your phone to go outside and breathe.

  2. Sit down and eat all your meals throughout the day.

  3. Balance your blood sugar by eating your protein before you go off and eat all the Christmas cookies.

  4. Bonus tip - don’t forget to drink your water!


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