Episode 24: Pregnancy Prep


Pregnancy Prep

I always think it is so crazy how we prep for a wedding for over a year, but then don't think about supporting a pregnancy until we are already pregnant. Now not everyone has the time, and you literally just found out you are pregnant, and if that is you don't panic AT ALL!! This episode is for those who are in a season of preparing for pregnancy because there is so much that you can do to support your body for a healthier and hopefully easier pregnancy.


  • Why you should focus on Gut health

  • How does your health impact your baby

  • The importance of your nutrient levels

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The recommendations presented in this podcast are not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified doctor. Before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle, please consult with your health care provider.


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KEYWORDS: parasite cleanse, hormone, nutrient levels, pregnant, pregnancy, cycle, liver, gene expression, healthy, healthy lifestyle, progesterone, ovulation, babies, prep, gut health, support, health coach, balancing hormones, hormones, hormones coach, women's health, cycles, wellness, wellness coach, painless period


Episode 25: Emotionally Healing For Hormonal Balance


Episode 23: Signs and Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance