Entrusting Your Health to Ethical Companies with Jill Rowe

Let’s talk about the importance of healthy, ethical, non-toxic beauty products AND why it's so important for companies to value the health of their products and the ethics of making them. And who better to guide us than the founder and co-owner of Rowe Casa Organics, Jill Rowe!

Jill's journey began after struggling to find non-toxic, healthy personal care products for herself and her family. She was frustrated with the Western medical world getting it wrong for her personally, so many times, while dealing with her own health issues and watching her children get sick often. Jill realized that there had to be a better way, and if there was, she was going to find it.

Through education and her faith, Jill discovered natural remedies and products that worked for her family. And so began the journey of Rowe Casa Organics. In the beginning, they started with elderberry syrup and then added more products for hair and skin care. Jill was amazed by how effective the plants could be for our health and beauty, and how they could simplify so many of our products.

Now, Rowe Casa Organics offers over 250 products that are all non-toxic, healthy, and ethically sourced and made. Jill has instilled in her company the core belief in creating products that are not only good for the body but also for the environment. The importance of making their products in an ethical way is apparent in their values and in their products. They have a deep respect for the people and communities involved in the process.

Jill's passion for healthy and ethical products comes from her own experiences with products that were harmful to her health. She truly believes that people should have access to products that are healthy, effective, AND safe for everyone to use.

As a young child, Jill saw her mom with a lineup of various medications and would wonder what would happen if her mom missed a dose. Even at that young age, her mind was already working and thinking in a different direction than the standard prescription mentality of western medicine. Then through a series of her own illnesses and ailments and watching her children getting sick all the time, she knew there had to be a better way to live. 

Then she started to learn from those around her, including her own sister, about more natural ways to live and solve problems. That was when it all started to come together.  She says, “I slowly began to realize there was another way people around me were finding it and sharing that with thankfully, and it just piqued my interest and once I knew just a little bit, I saw my family's life change and I'm so excited about it and I posted everything on Facebook and so I did and that's how it grew.”

After this shift, Jill went through the awakening that many of us are going through now. She started to realize how deceived she’d been by companies and marketing tactics and greenwashing. She says, “I would go and look at labels on the shelf, I knew enough even in the beginning to know that something is not right. Like if you're adding all this sugar to make me take this supplement then it's probably not good for me. You know, lots of artificial and harmful preservatives. I just was kind of overwhelmed by how much we had been deceived, and really quickly realized I had to do something about it, at least just for my family.”

How Rowe Casa Organics Got Started

When Jill would find something that would work she’d share it with her family and on Facebook and things took off really quickly. Once she started making things for herself and her family, Jill decided to start making things for the public. But going from private to public didn’t change their expectations of quality. In fact, they’ve become more picky about their sourcing and processing of products in order to ensure that customers can consistently rely on the quality and safety of their products. 


“Being as picky as we are, it definitely poses issues. There are times when we’re developing a product and we will just have to cut an ingredient out because we can't source it in a clean enough way to meet our quality and ethical standards. And we don’t accept some of these loopholes that other companies might find. I always want to take it a little higher. Like I like that it’s organic - but where is it coming from? And how is it processed?

We always ask all the questions. The suppliers probably get tired of our phone calls from our sourcing team, but we are just so picky and were constantly doing audits to ensure that we haven't missed anything. And we’re so picky because we're all using these products on our families. It's not just selling them. We are doing this for ourselves, too. It can be a lot. You just have to be diligent, you know.” 

As a mom, I totally get how overwhelming the world can be when you're trying to find the best products for your family. I've been in that same position myself, feeling like giving up and thinking "forget it, this is just too hard". Jill is one of us. She also wished that there was just a single place to go to that is all high-quality and trustworthy. 


“That's what we're trying to become. I don't know that we will have all the things, but I mean, I'm trying to knock out as many as I can because I know people trust us now and it just makes it easier.” 

And this is exactly what we’re looking for. If you’ve been following me for a while or listened to pretty much any of my podcast episodes you’ve heard me talk a lot about knowing where your products come from. This is why. Jill and her team aren’t just out here trying to make a profit, they’re trying to take care of their families and provide the products they wished they could find on the shelves. 

Their quality standards have risen so high that Jill finally decided they needed to create their own line of essential oils because they just couldn’t find a reliable, reputable source for a high-quality essential oil. And in my opinion, that’s kind of the secret to their amazing products. They just don’t ever settle for anything less than the highest standard. 

“I think that's our secret sauce. Is that we haven't ever given up our standards for financial gain. I think there's a lot of that going on. We didn't do this for money. We are picky. Our standards are super high. We also have a team who has been many years into their health journey. Now that can play into how we develop what works and what doesn't. ”

If you’ve ever tried a non-toxic product and thought, ugh, this just doesn’t work. I’m here to tell you you’re not alone and that’s why I love Rowe Casa so much. You guys know by now, I’m not going to recommend something that doesn’t work so I can tell you that this stuff is the real deal. 

For example, endocrine disruptors like fragrance and other toxins are huge, huge, issues for your hormone balance, but like, I need a deodorant that works, I can’t stink, I just can’t. So it’s so amazing to find a company like Rowe Casa that is founded by and run by someone who understands the importance of quality, safe, non-toxic ingredients and is also dedicated to creating products that actually work. 

And as far as non-toxic products go, these are super affordable. Most companies will put the non-toxic label on and immediately start upcharging for it, but that’s not what it’s about for Jill and her team. 

So now that you understand why I so thoroughly love Rowe Casa and all that they stand for, let’s talk about their specific products because I’m sure by now you’re like, ‘Yeah, Leah, I get it they’re amazing, but where should I start?” 

As I’m sure you know by now, I started out with the tart cherry juice that literally changed my life. It was unbelievable the difference a full night’s sleep was to me when my son was waking up seven times a night. 

And I use like, all of the products. We use them all the time in our house. People always ask me this question, like what are your top picks and I start to write a list and it ends up being like forty items which is just not helpful. So, Jill shared with us the top products she recommends!

Top Five Rowe Casa Products to Try Next:

Elderberry Immune Support

“The elderberry syrup was the first thing we created and it changed my family's life. I realized just by my family taking that one supplement, we just quit getting sick. I was like, Oh, my goodness, I'm on to something.”

Tart Cherry - Sleep Support 

“I don't know many people who don't want help with their sleep. Of course, Tart cherry has so many other health benefits. That's what I love about plants. That you can market it for sleep but then you're going to see your gout get better, and your muscle recovery get better, and your digestion get better. I mean, it's endless.”

Hair Spritz

“Because we're all post covid and I don't think anybody feels great about their hair anymore. That's just the truth. It’s great for hair regrowth and gives it lots of body.”

Magnesium Cream

“We had the magnesium products just because like, magnesium can be used for so many different functions in the body that the benefits to magnesium being added topically are endless.”


Lymphatic Cream

“That’s one I'm super stoked about it. It has a really cool story behind it. Yeah, I wasn't going to make that one for the public. I was making it privately for a lady here in my community because she kept begging me for something for her lymphatic issues and I didn't really even understand the lymphatic system back when I started making it, but with enough studying, I learned and whipped it up for her for probably a year and a half before I even offered it to the public, just so she would stop asking me and it worked miracles for her. Then when I threw it out to the public people started posting before and after pictures of their faces and abdominal areas. It’s crazy how much swelling we all carry around that you probably don’t even know about. And so people started posting about all this swelling reduction and who doesn’t want to lose some of this around the neck? So I mean, as a woman it was like woohoo, I mean it’s the top pressure we deal with all the time.” 

Like I said, I can’t choose my favorites, I love them all and I’m always so impressed by Jill and the whole Rowe Casa team’s dedication to quality products and ethical sourcing. And again, I’m not here to talk about products that I don’t love. I wish all products and all companies were as transparent and high-quality as this. I gush because I really truly think you guys will love the products and benefit from them! 

Jill's journey and commitment to healthy and ethical products is obviously inspiring. Once we become conscious of what we put on our bodies and the impact it has on our health and the environment, it’s so important to find ethical companies that share our values.

This is why I love to talk about Rowe Casa so much! It's important for companies to value the health of their products and the ethics of making them. So, let's all make a conscious effort to choose healthy, ethical, and non-toxic beauty products on our journey to healthier non-toxic lives. 

Be sure to check out this podcast episode for the full interview with Jill Rowe to learn even more about her story and all the reasons we trust her company with our health. You can also connect with Jill Rowe on Instagram and the Rowe Casa Organics website. Use Coupon Code LEAHB for 20% off your first order at Rowe Casa.


Use Coupon Code LEAHB for 20% off your first order at Rowe Casa!


The recommendations presented in this blog are not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified doctor. Before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle, please consult with your health care provider.


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