
Discover how you can use nutrition to balance your hormones naturally so you can have pain free regular periods!


 by Leah Brueggemann, Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutritional® Practitioner

How Stress Affects Hormone Imbalance
Hormone Health Leah Brueggemann Hormone Health Leah Brueggemann

How Stress Affects Hormone Imbalance

It seems like everyone these days is talking about the importance of managing stress and getting more rest. But it’s not just about improving our mood—managing stress is more important than you may think when it comes to your hormones (and overall wellness!).

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3 Ways to Stick to Your Health Goals During the Holidays
Lifestyle Leah Brueggemann Lifestyle Leah Brueggemann

3 Ways to Stick to Your Health Goals During the Holidays

You know how the holiday season always kind of feels like you’re in limbo and all our normal routines go out the window? It’s hard to know what to focus on and what to let go of so that you can enjoy spending time with family and friends. You don’t have to miss out on the holiday season because you’re following a rigid plan. There are three ways you can make progress on your health goals, while still enjoying the holidays!

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