Things I'm Loving Lately: Black Friday Edition

With the holidays starting, it’s the perfect time to check out some new products to support your health journey! So in this post, I’m sharing some of my favorite things to help you stay healthy and balance your hormones.

P.S. Many of these have awesome Black Friday sales, so definitely check them out!

I will be sharing my affiliate links for some of these products, but all of these products are things that I use and love!


So, we're going to start with Leefy because it has truly been so ridiculously life changing for me! They have three different products: Immunity, Nidra (sleep), and Prana (pain).

They sent me a package of these three products and I was like, “Well thank you, but I never really take ibuprofen so when am I ever going to use the pain one? I don't think I'm going to have a need for this!” 

Then a few days after I had Killian, my milk came in and I have NEVER been in so much pain. Okay, labor was painful, so I guess I have been in that much pain, but you know what I mean! It was not as bad with Landon at all - my milk supply has been so much stronger with Killian. 

Anyways, I was so engorged and in so much pain, I just wanted to cry. I couldn’t lift my arms up. I couldn’t stand being hugged. Even putting Killian in his bassinet hurt like crazy! 

I had that really strong ibuprofen or whatever they give you in the hospital for postpartum cramps and it was not even making a dent. And so I was like, “You know what, I have that Prana stuff. I'm just gonna try it!” 

You guys, I took that religiously every two hours and made it through the engorgement. It helped with that pain SO immensely. It was like day and night. I knew when I hadn't taken it because as soon as I hit two hours, I'd be like, “Oh my gosh, I need to take this again!”

I also have clients who use Prana all the time for things like headaches and even post-surgery! I can't recommend it enough as a more natural alternative to over-the-counter pain meds like ibuprofen.


I also used Ned CBD postpartum as well. I used the hormone one because of the minerals and took it at nighttime before bed. My endometriosis clients also LOVE this one! They also have a broad spectrum one and one for sleep, which are both useful.

I also really like Ned as a company because they're very transparent. Their processing is really really good and you can ask them any and all questions. I've actually gotten on Zoom calls with them multiple times. I've always been wary of recommending CBD so I have talked to them face-to-face on Zoom multiple times. I really really recommend them!

You can use code “LEAH” for 15% off.


I really enjoy Promix vegan protein bars. I don't really like the whey ones - they're just not very tasty. But the vegan chocolate one is so good! They kind of resemble Rice Krispies. So good.


Speaking of protein bars, I also really like Aloha vegan protein bars. Landon thinks they're candy bars, probably because they have chocolate chips in it.

You can purchase these directly from their website OR you can also get them from Thrive Market, which is typically where we get ours.

If you want to check out Thrive Market, you can use my link for 40% off your first order!


I use Further Foods collagen peptides and oh my gosh, I just LOVE them.

I actually put their chocolate collagen peptides in my coffee and it’s so good! It has collagen (of course!), cocoa, and reishi mushroom, and tastes so good. Like on a scale of 1 to 20, it's a 20. They taste amazing and they’re also tested for heavy metals.

They also have a gelatin that we use. We made marshmallows the other day with that. And they have a matcha collagen as well, which is really good. That one also has cordyceps mushroom!

I really recommend Further Foods!


I've actually tried most of the Organifi products because I wanted to see if I liked them. I do like their greens and their red juice - it doesn't replace you eating vegetables, but I do like it.

I also really like their protein powder, which is made with organic pea protein. I put that in my oatmeal all the time!

The big thing about Organifi is that they're organic and they're also third party tested for all the things that Leah doesn't like, but most specifically glyphosate. So they're certified glyphosate free, which is awesome!


The next brand I really, really like and use a lot is Kion, which has aminos. I started taking aminos when I was pregnant and have never stopped. I started using them because I couldn't get enough protein and I talked to my doctor about using them.

Amino acids are what protein breaks down into. They’re the catalysts for nearly every physiological function in the human body, including protein synthesis, enzyme production, hormone regulation, cognitive performance, neurotransmitter balance and metabolism. You use aminos for liver detoxification. They're the foundation of protein for muscle mass.

So obviously they're necessary for athletic performance and recovery and they just help you have more energy in general. Some people also feel like they sleep a lot better when taking aminos.

My favorite flavors are lime, watermelon, and mango. They have a berry one, but I don't really like it. My favorite thing to do with the lime one is I will add it to cold water with ice cubes and it's like I'm having a margarita without alcohol or anything bad!

I mean, Leah never really has margaritas. So if you try it and you're like, “Leah, this doesn't taste like a margarita.” I'm really sorry - I haven't had a margarita in a while.

Kion also has protein bars which I like. I will say that I think the Promix protein bars taste better, but I do like the Kion ones.

I also love Kion’s chocolate protein! They have a whey chocolate protein or grass fed whey protein. I like to mix that with a banana, and either some raw milk or some water, and some ice cubes and some nut butter. It's like my favorite thing ever. I love it!

Besides my obsession with their protein powder, they also have mold free coffee! So, it’s tested mold free and I use that as well.

You can use code “LEAH” for 15% off Kion products!


Funk It Wellness has their seed cycling kit. (And you should be seed cycling if you’re not already!)

Their seeds taste so good. They taste a million times better than the store and they make my life so much easier because I don't have to grind them so I'm consistent.

Also, for everyone asking me if I seed cycle while breastfeeding - no, I don't. I still eat them, but I don't cycle them when I don't have a cycle. 

They also have maca powder (don't take while breastfeeding). A lot of people like it because it has a more subtle flavor of maca.

And they have their cycle bites which are really really good. If you can't do sesame seeds, cycle bites don't replace seed cycling, but they're a really great alternative because they have reishi mushroom.

They also have ginger in them, so it's like a bunch of anti inflammatories. And they taste like fall to me. I thought it was because of the pumpkin. But everyone said it tastes like fall because of the ginger. So I guess Leah's corrected.

If you are postmenopausal or Peri menopausal, you'd probably like the revitalize seed blend because then you don't have to worry about switching your seeds.

Use code “LEAH15” for 15% off.


Organo is where I get my mushroom coffee that I talk about all the time. And yes, mushroom coffee has coffee in it! I hear people say mushroom coffee doesn’t have coffee because it’s made from mushrooms - no. It’s regular coffee and you add mushrooms to it!

I typically get the Organo king of coffee, which has Reishi mushroom spores. The spores actually help balance your cortisol so you have a slower release of cortisol and the caffeine doesn’t hit as hard. If you're really sensitive to caffeine, you probably would really like the King of Coffee. Not all mushrooms do that - it has to be the spores.

I’ve also tried the gourmet black coffee, which has the best flavor and has Reishi mushroom in it. I also really like their royal black coffee, which has Reishi, Lion's Mane, and Cordyceps mushroom. These are all great for immune support and brain support!

The royal black coffee reminds me of Starbucks coffee. You know when you drink a Starbucks coffee and it tastes slightly burnt. That's what the royal black coffee tastes like to me. It just has that very bitter taste. So what I like to do is mix a little bit of the royal black coffee with the gourmet black coffee and I like it best that way!


You want to know what coffee is truly life changing in terms of taste? Seven Weeks. This one’s not a mushroom coffee, but it’s mold and pesticide free!

It's not cheap. But it's life changing - it's so good! Sometimes if I want to have coffee that’s not a mushroom coffee, I’ll take some of Organo's king of coffee with mushroom spores and mix it in to make mushroom coffee.


So Rowe Casa Organics - I just love all their products!

My son takes their tart cherry juice and elderberry every day. We give him the tart cherry juice at nighttime and it saved our lives with him. He's such a great sleeper now! We also like to use the deep sleep salve on the bottoms of his feet.

All my kids are bad sleepers so what we ended up doing with Killian now is I pump right before we go to bed and then I sleep in the guest room. Then Seb gives Killian the bottle for his first wake up during the night and then I get him the next time so at least I can get a little bit of a longer stretch of sleep. 

The first couple nights we did that, I was still waking up like every hour because my body was just accustomed to it. So I put the deep sleep salve on the bottom of my feet and that night I slept for the full stretch of sleep, without waking up. So I definitely recommend the deep sleep salve if you have trouble sleeping!

I also love their lymphatic cream. Oh my lanta. I use that immediately postpartum just to help with drainage and water retention. And I love their body butters, especially the bakuchiol and frankincense! 

I use so many of their products, like laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, detox bath salts, shower care, body wash, and shaving cream and I love it. But the lymphatic cream, deep sleep salve and magnesium lotion are truly life changing products. 

Use code “LEAH” for 20% off your first Rowe Casa Order.


I use the megaspore probiotic from Microbiome Labs and I know a lot of my clients and community do too, so that’s a great one to check out!


Fullscript is a supplement dispensary that I really recommend. I know a lot of people buy supplements from Amazon, but don't do that!

Fullscript supplement dispensary is a great way to get a discount and still get professional grade supplements.


The other thing that I’m really liking is the Therasage, which is a portable, far infrared sauna.

I have it down in my basement and I try and do it once or twice a week. I also put castor oil over my liver when I do it so I can kill multiple birds with one stone.

I still do that while breastfeeding and yes I talked to my doctor and yes I drink a million extra electrolytes! I want to keep my milk supply up, so I drink electrolytes like they're going out of season. And I also take a binder before using my Therasage as well to bind to any toxins.

Sweating is so good for you so if you want a cost effective sauna, I highly recommend checking Therasage out!


And speaking of electrolytes, I cannot recommend Redmond enough! I love them and you will love them. I use their electrolytes and their salt and highly recommend them.

Use code “LEAH15” for 15% off at Redmond.


Something that has just been my bread and butter postpartum has been Greater Than. I drink two of their electrolyte drinks a day because your body really needs electrolytes for breast milk - water is not going to cut it!

I use Greater Than because it’s coconut water, but it doesn't taste disgusting. Leah hates coconut water. I hate it! I think it's so good for you, but it's so disgusting.

Greater Than has some fruit juice in their coconut water, but they keep the sugar quite low which is really nice. And it tastes amazing! My favorite flavor of all time is strawberry lemonade. My child tries to steal them all the time because they’re so good.

If you’re looking to boost your electrolytes, definitely check out Greater Than!


Another thing I love is Real Mushrooms, which is mushroom extracts. The main one I really recommend is the 5 Defenders blend which is for immune support.

They also have Tremella which is so good for your skin. It's a mushroom that plumps your skin up and it’s basically like a million times of hyaluronic acid. Cordyceps helps with endurance and muscle recovery. I'll just let your imagination go with that one - cordyceps is really, really good! And then they have Lion's Mane, which is so good for your brain health. 

We use all of those and really really like them, but we especially go through a lot of the 5 Defenders blend.

Use code “LEAH10” for 10% off Real Mushrooms.


Another one I love for immune support is AHCC. If you go back to the episode on mushrooms, which we did last year, you can learn more about AHCC, so I won't dive too much into it. But basically, AHCC has done over 30 clinical trials on it which is truly unreal for a food supplement.

It's so good for autoimmune issues and for women. It has been shown to help women with HPV. It's used in cancer trials. It’s incredible!

I take this one so I don't get sick. I actually ran out a couple months ago and then got sick. So I make sure to keep that one in stock from now on!

You do have to get it from a good source. It has been patented, so you have to make sure that you get it from an authorized seller, otherwise, it's not actually the real deal. I get mine from Quality of Life Labs.


Oh my gosh, you need an air filtration system! This gets rid of nasty things like mold and improves the air quality in your home. We use the Air Doctor and when I change the filter, it’s disgusting, so I'm very glad we have it!


We also have a Somavedic EMF harmonizer. We keep it next to our router.

Also sidenote, if you’re interested in reducing the effects of things like EMF and Wi-Fi, some things I do at nighttime are turn my phone on airplane mode, including turning off bluetooth and wi-fi. We also have an outlet plug on a timer so it turns our wi-fi router off at nighttime.

I hope you enjoy checking out some of these products to support your health journey.  Many of the things I listed here have awesome Black Friday sales going on, so it’s the perfect time to check them out and find something new to try!

The recommendations presented here are not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified doctor. Before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle, please consult with your health care provider.

Some of these links contain affiliate links.


The Four Phases of Your Menstrual Cycle


Detoxing Estrogen Naturally