
Discover how you can use nutrition to balance your hormones naturally so you can have pain free regular periods!


 by Leah Brueggemann, Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutritional® Practitioner

Benefits of Cordyceps to Naturally Boost Energy
Nutrition Leah Brueggemann Nutrition Leah Brueggemann

Benefits of Cordyceps to Naturally Boost Energy

Cordyceps give a natural energy boost without the jitters that often accompany caffeine – and they won’t make you crash later either! I, personally, hadn’t really noticed this kind of energy boost when I tried other cordyceps mushroom products, but when I tried cordyceps from Eversio Wellness for the first time, I was the to-do list queen! I literally could not believe how energized I felt and how much I was able to get done that day.

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How Stress Affects Hormone Imbalance
Hormone Health Leah Brueggemann Hormone Health Leah Brueggemann

How Stress Affects Hormone Imbalance

It seems like everyone these days is talking about the importance of managing stress and getting more rest. But it’s not just about improving our mood—managing stress is more important than you may think when it comes to your hormones (and overall wellness!).

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Home Remedies to Boost Immunity for Cold & Flu Season
Lifestyle Leah Brueggemann Lifestyle Leah Brueggemann

Home Remedies to Boost Immunity for Cold & Flu Season

With kids back to school and cold and flu season right around the corner, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about boosting your immunity! I’m all about holistic health, so I’ll be sharing my top ways to boost immunity and my favorite home remedies if you or your family does catch a cold.

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