How to Increase Progesterone Naturally

In this post, we’re going to look at the role of progesterone in maintaining menstrual health and what you can do to increase progesterone naturally if it’s too low.

Progesterone is often overlooked, unless you’re trying to get pregnant. But it’s a crucial indicator of your overall health! If you've been experiencing hormone imbalance symptoms, like mood swings, PMS, irregular or painful periods, low progesterone could be a big reason that’s happening!

Learn more about the symptoms and causes of low progesterone.

And no, I’m not just going to tell you to grab a progesterone cream and call it a day — we’re going to talk about how things like melatonin, stress, and even laughter affect your body’s progesterone levels and what you can do to keep your hormones balanced (without popping pills or slathering on creams).

Getting to Know Progesterone

First, let’s break down progesterone in simpler terms. Basically, it’s like the Swiss Army knife of hormones – versatile and always ready to lend a hand. While it does play a big role in pregnancy, its influence goes beyond that, affecting your overall health and happiness, whether or not you're planning to have kids.

Think of progesterone as the traffic cop for your menstrual cycle. It directs the hormonal traffic to ensure everything flows smoothly. Without it, things might get a little chaotic, leading to irregular periods and mood swings. During pregnancy, progesterone takes center stage. It creates a cozy environment in your womb, making it the perfect home for a growing baby. Plus, it acts as a shield, protecting the little one from your immune system, which can sometimes mistake it for an invader.

But beyond pregnancy, here's the cool part! When stress comes knocking and your body's stress hormone, cortisol, starts acting up like an overexcited puppy, progesterone steps in as the calming influence to help your hormones find their balance. So, keeping your progesterone levels in check isn't just about making babies; it's about ensuring your own well-being. This hormone has a say in your mood, overall health, and how you feel day-to-day. Understanding how to keep it in balnce is a fantastic way to live a happier, more balanced life.

The Melatonin Connection

Here's a hormone twist that might surprise you: melatonin, the hormone that usually gets all the credit for a good night's sleep, can also have a say in your progesterone levels! Melatonin is primarily produced in your gut, with a small nightly contribution from the pineal gland. When melatonin production goes into overdrive, it's a signal to take a closer look at your gut health.

High melatonin levels can also be caused by mycotoxins. These are tricky little toxins produced by mold, and they can wreak havoc on your hormones. If you've ever had mold exposure or live in a moldy environment, these sneaky culprits might be quietly interfering with your hormone balance.

Progesterone and melatonin both need to be made in the right amounts to keep your body running smoothly. But sometimes, things can get off track. Melatonin, which usually helps with sleep, can be made too much. When this happens, your body gets a signal that something's not right. Think of it like the warning light on your car's dashboard when the engine gets too hot. To deal with this "emergency," your body stops making some things temporarily, and one of those things is progesterone. Progesterone is really important for your hormones, but when there's a problem, like too much melatonin, it takes a backseat.

So, when melatonin is too high due to issues like gut inflammation or toxic mold, it can indirectly affect progesterone by making your body focus on the melatonin problem instead of maintaining the right hormone balance. Understanding this connection can help you take steps to get your hormones back in balance.

Unraveling the Stress-Hormone Connection

Ah, stress—something most of us are all too familiar with! Stress isn't just a buzzword; it's a powerful force that can mess with your hormone balance in more ways than one. First, let's talk about emotional stress. When life gets tough, your body goes into survival mode, prioritizing the production of cortisol, often called the fight-or-flight hormone. This hormone is like an emergency response team, ready to deal with whatever challenges come your way. However, when cortisol takes the spotlight, progesterone, the hormone responsible for maintaining balance, often gets pushed to the background. It's like your body saying, "We'll deal with hormone balance later; right now, we've got a crisis to handle!"

Here’s the thing though—while emotional stress might be the most obvious, it’s not the only form of stress that can impact your hormones!

  • Then, there are toxins, including heavy metals. These substances add another layer of stress to your body, like asking it to run a marathon while carrying a heavy backpack. Your system has to work extra hard to get rid of these toxins, leaving less energy and resources for maintaining hormone balance.

  • And let's not forget about food sensitivities. If you have gut issues, it can lead to food sensitivities, which, you guessed it, create even more stress for your body!

If you're constantly in high-stress mode, your body may not have the bandwidth to produce enough progesterone, leading to hormone imbalances. And this stress can be lurking in the shadows from things like endocrine disruptors, toxins, heavy metals, and even food sensitivities, which may not consciously feel like stress at all! 

So, what should you do if you have low progesterone? Many functional practitioners will simply prescribe a progesterone cream and call it good. But that doesn’t actually help you resolve the root CAUSE of your low progesterone. And chances are you’re gonna have other issues pop up down the road! Instead, let’s look at some lifestyle shifts you can make to increase progesterone naturally.

Let me just add one caveat here—if you are currently pregnant, you NEED to get your progesterone levels in check. So if that means using a progesterone cream or whatever your doctor or practitioner recommends, please do that for now to support a healthy pregnancy.

How to Increase Progesterone Naturally

So, what should you do if you have low progesterone? Many functional practitioners will simply prescribe a progesterone cream and call it good. But that doesn’t actually help you resolve the root CAUSE of your low progesterone. And chances are you’re gonna have other issues pop up down the road! Instead, let’s look at some lifestyle shifts you can make to increase progesterone naturally.

Create a Sleep Sanctuary 

Your sleep environment plays a crucial role in hormone balance. As we know, melatonin regulation is importan to progesterone levels. If your sleep is interrupted or poor quality, your melatonin and progesterone levels suffer. 

Here's a checklist to create your hormone-friendly sleep haven:

  • Turn off the Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi signals can disrupt your sleep, so give your body a break by turning it off at night. You can even use outlets with timers to make this a breeze.

  • Airplane Mode: Your phone can be a source of nighttime disruption too. Put it on airplane mode or, better yet, leave it outside your bedroom to ensure uninterrupted sleep.

  • Pitch Black: Make your bedroom as dark as a moonless night. This darkness signals to your body that it's time to produce melatonin and prepare for a restorative night's sleep.

Seed Cycling

An easy way to support progesterone production is through seed cycling. Incorporate pumpkin and flax seeds in the first part of your menstrual cycle, then switch to sesame and sunflower seeds.

Here’s how seed cycling works:

Your menstrual cycle can be divided into two phases – the follicular phase (from the start of your period until ovulation) and the luteal phase (from ovulation until your next period).

Now, let's talk about seeds. These tiny powerhouses are packed with nutrients, including essential fatty acids and lignans, which can help balance your hormones.

  • In the first half of your cycle, from the start of your period until ovulation, you’ll eat 1 TBSP of ground pumpkin and 1 TBSP of ground flax seeds. Pumpkin seeds provide zinc and magnesium, which are essential for hormone production, while flax seeds contain lignans that support estrogen metabolism.

  • In the second half of your cycle, once you've ovulated and entered the luteal phase, it's time to switch to 1 TBSP of ground sesame and 1 TBSP of ground sunflower seeds. These little wonders offer different nutrients. Sesame seeds are rich in lignans and vitamin E, which can promote progesterone production, while sunflower seeds provide selenium and vitamin E, contributing to hormonal balance.

By incorporating seed cycling into your diet, you're giving your body the tools it needs to support progesterone production naturally. It's like providing your hormonal symphony with the right instruments at the right time.

So, whether you sprinkle these seeds on your morning yogurt, blend them into a smoothie, or toss them into a salad, seed cycling is an easy, delicious, and natural way to give your hormones a helping hand. By aligning your seed consumption with your menstrual cycle, you're nourishing your body in sync with its natural rhythm, promoting a happier, healthier hormone balance!

You can learn more about seed cycling through these additional resources: 

Vitamins & Minerals: Your Hormone-Balancing Allies

Alright, let's talk about some hormone-friendly vitamins and minerals that can make a big difference in your progesterone production and overall well-being. These nutritional powerhouses are like your trusty sidekicks on this hormone-balancing journey.

  • Vitamin C: The Hormonal Protector: You've probably heard about vitamin C's role in boosting the immune system, but did you know it's also a key player in hormone balance? This vitamin is essential for supporting your adrenal glands, which, in turn, can help with progesterone production. Foods rich in vitamin C include kiwi, red peppers, and citrus fruits. So, grab that juicy orange or slice up some kiwi – your hormones will thank you!

  • Vitamin E: The Progesterone Promoter: Vitamin E is like the unsung hero of hormonal balance. It helps support progesterone production and keeps your hormones in check. You can find vitamin E in sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and leafy greens. So, whip up a tasty salad or sprinkle those seeds on your yogurt for a hormone-friendly boost.

  • Potassium-Rich Foods: The Stress Busters: Potassium is your go-to mineral for busting stress – remember, stress can mess with your hormone balance. Foods like avocados, spinach, and coconut water are packed with potassium. These natural stress-busters can indirectly support progesterone by keeping your stress levels in check. So, enjoy that creamy avocado or blend up a potassium-rich smoothie to keep stress at bay.

  • Magnesium: The Relaxation Mineral: When it comes to relaxation and hormone balance, magnesium is your best friend. This mineral helps your body manage stress, and less stress means better progesterone production. Now, not all magnesium supplements are created equal, so it's essential to choose a high-quality one. Foods like dark leafy greens, nuts, and seeds are also great dietary sources of magnesium. A handful of almonds or a spinach salad can be your secret weapon against stress.

Reduce Endocrine Disruptors

We mentioned this before, but it’s worth saying again—oo keep your hormones in balance, you've got to kick those sneaky endocrine disruptors to the curb. 

Here are a few ideas to start reducing endocrine disruptors in your life:

  • Non-Toxic Products: Swap out those chemical-laden beauty and cleaning products for their non-toxic counterparts. These everyday items can contain harmful chemicals that mess with your hormones. Look for labels that scream "paraben-free," "phthalate-free," and "fragrance-free." Your skin and hormones will thank you for the switch.

    Not sure where to start? Download the free Switch & Ditch Guide for my non-toxic recommendations.

  • Water Quality: Not all water is created equal, my friends. If you're sipping on tap water that's filled with contaminants, it's time for an upgrade. Invest in a quality water filter to ensure your H2O is clean and free from hormone-disrupting substances. A Brita filter won't cut it; you need something more robust to protect your hormonal balance.

  • Air Quality: Don't neglect the air you breathe – it matters more than you might think. Dirty air can introduce toxins into your body that mess with your hormones. Consider cleaning your air ducts, using an air purifier, and ensuring good ventilation in your home. Your respiratory system is another important detox pathway, and clean air supports its function.

  • Optimized Drainage Pathways: Yes, We Mean Pooping, Peeing, and Sweating: Your body has ingenious ways to eliminate toxins, and it's crucial that these pathways are working optimally. Make sure you're having regular bowel movements because constipation can trap toxins inside your body. Hydrate well to support proper kidney function and don't underestimate the power of a good sweat session! Sweating helps release toxins through your skin. So, hit the gym or relax in a sauna – your hormones will thank you.

Make Time for Joy and Laughter

Here's a secret to hormone balance you’ve probably not heard before–don't underestimate the power of joy and laughter! It’s easy to overlook the little things that make us smile when we’re caught up in our day-to-day lives. Here’s a few ways you can make some time for joy and laughter:

  • Rediscover Your Inner Child: Remember those hobbies you used to love? Maybe it's playing board games with friends, hiking through the woods, or spending an afternoon painting your imagination onto a canvas. Whatever it is, bring it back into your life! These activities flood your brain with happiness-inducing chemicals, and that's a surefire way to help keep your hormones in check.

  • Hilarious Cat Videos: Yes, Please! If you're not into hobbies, that's perfectly fine too. You can find joy in the simplest of things, like watching hilarious cat videos all over the internet. Laughter is truly the best medicine for your soul, heart, and hormones. When you laugh, your brain releases endorphins, those lovely chemicals that elevate your mood and reduce stress. So, cue up those funny animal videos or your favorite stand-up comedian and let the laughter flow.

  • Get Social: Joy and laughter often come from the people you're with. Spend time with those who uplift your spirits, whether it's your funny friend, supportive family, or a pet that never fails to make you smile. Positive social interactions can do wonders for your mental well-being, and a happy mind contributes to hormonal balance.

    As we've discussed, stress can wreak havoc on your hormones. Joy and laughter are your allies in the battle against stress. When you're smiling and laughing, stress takes a backseat. So, make it a point to infuse your life with these feel-good moments regularly.

  • Practice Gratitude: Each day, take a moment to reflect on the things you're grateful for. It can be as simple as the warmth of the sun on your skin or the taste of your morning coffee. Gratitude shifts your focus to the positive aspects of life, reducing stress and promoting hormonal balance.

Remember, happiness isn't a luxury; it's a necessity for your overall well-being. So, whether you're diving into a favorite hobby, sharing laughter with loved ones, or simply basking in the joy of a sunny day, you're nurturing your hormones and creating a more harmonious internal environment. So go ahead, embrace the joy in your life—your hormones will thank you!

Celebrate the Journey!

As you make these positive changes in your life, celebrate every victory, no matter how small. Whether it's a better night's sleep, a moment of profound joy, or a newfound sense of balance, each step forward is a triumph worth acknowledging! 

To learn more about your hormones and what you can do to support your body all month long, download the FREE Painless Period Prep Guide linked below!


Free Painless Period Prep Guide

Download the FREE guide to learn more about balancing your hormones so that you can finally experience pain-free periods!


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