Home Remedies to Boost Immunity for Cold & Flu Season

With kids back to school and cold and flu season right around the corner, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about boosting your immunity! I’m all about holistic health, so I’ll be sharing my top ways to boost immunity and my favorite home remedies if you or your family does catch a cold.

But first, I just need to say a few things! So, I know we all have our go-to methods when we’re sick, and if what you're doing is working wonders for you, that's amazing! But if you’re curious and you're thinking, "What else can I try?" These are my suggestions!

And here’s the thing: you don't need to dive headfirst into every single tip I share here. When it comes to immune support, there's a lot of overlap. So, if two things sound similar, just pick the one that feels right for you. No need to overwhelm yourself, okay?

Building up your medicine cabinet with natural remedies is a journey. I did NOT start out with the huge stash of things that I have today! So if you're feeling a bit lost, that’s okay! Maybe you find one thing here today to try—that’s amazing! You can always bookmark this post and come back to it later next time you’re wanting to try something new to give your immune system a little love.

And one last thing I want to clarify before we dive in—anything I discuss here is NOT medical advice. Before considering any supplements, it's crucial to consult with your own healthcare provider or pediatrician.

So, just consider this information as part of your holistic health education—something to explore further before deciding what's best for you and your family. And remember, what works for me and my family may not necessarily work for you as everyone’s bodies and health needs are different.

Start with the Foundations 

Okay, so first, let’s chat about some general ways to give our immune system a little love without always reaching for those supplement bottles. These are the foundational steps that I think EVERYONE should be doing (and yes—it’s all free!)

First up on my list? Sugar. Ever wonder why so many of us get the sniffles right around the holidays, between Thanksgiving and New Year's? Just think about it—pies, Christmas cookies, and all those yummy treats–we love them, but our immune system? Not so much. We often end up indulging in all these extra treats, disrupt our schedules, and throw our routines out of the window.

As a result, our immune system takes a hit, and then add in little ones coming home from school and friends with all the germs, it's a recipe for getting sick. The numbers vary, but it has been said that sugar can actually lower our immune system for a staggering 32 to 72 hours! So when we're surrounded by all these festive goodies, especially when traveling, it’s so important to be mindful of sugar consumption.

But it's not just about cutting down on sugar. Balancing your blood sugar is super important too. Those blood sugar ups and downs can cause inflammation and when you mix that with extra germs floating around, it's not a great combo. So, even if you're eyeing that Christmas cookie or a slice of pie, maybe have it with your meal. Get some protein in there. And remember those blogs and podcast episodes where we chatted about balancing blood sugar? Might be a good time to give them another listen. And hey, this isn't just for us. Kids need balanced blood sugar too! It affects their mood, their sleep, all of it.


Blood Sugar Balancing Resources


Now, let's chat sunshine. I'm in Michigan, and trust me, I know the struggle when the sun disappears for weeks on end! It's tough. But it’s so important to get outside, breathe in some fresh air, and move around a bit. With the kids too! It doesn't have to be a full-blown workout. A bike ride, a walk, or just some good old outdoor playtime works wonders for your immune system.

And speaking of being stuck indoors, have you thought about an air purifier? Having clean air inside our homes is a big deal. Reducing our exposure to toxins is so key to our overall health. Check the stuff you're using, especially on and around kids. Air fresheners are a big one—most conventional air fresheners are absolutely filled with toxins! Our lungs are doing a lot of heavy lifting—we don't want to overload them with chemicals.

So before you pick up that cute pumpkin spice candle for fall, I suggest getting candles made from soy or beeswax and skip the artificial fragrances in everything from candles to those plugin air fresheners. You can learn more about reducing toxins in your home here.

Homeopathy: Your Natural Health Ally

Homeopathy has this really interesting principle: "like cures like." Which means that if something can cause symptoms in a healthy person, that same thing can help cure similar symptoms in someone feeling sick. It's all about understanding and matching those symptoms.

Here's how it works: when you're feeling unwell, carefully observe your symptoms. These could be anything from a persistent headache, a fever, a scratchy throat, or a nagging cough. Each symptom is like a unique clue.

An amazing resource that’s been a game changer for me is “The Complete Homeopathy Handbook” by the wonderful Miranda Castro. Miranda’s insights are like a guiding light, helping you decipher the world of homeopathy and select the perfect remedy for your specific symptoms. It's been my go-to resource for holistic remedies and I can’t recommend it enough!

Oh, and a quick note: when you're shopping for homeopathy, it’s important to look for high quality brands. A few of my favorites are Hyland's, Boiron, and Ollois.

Proactive Steps to Boost Immunity

So, let's chat about being proactive rather than reactive. It's not just about finding a fix when we're already feeling sick; it's about gearing up our immune system ahead of time to prevent getting sick in the first place. These are a few of my favorite things to get our defenses up and ready!

Elderberry: Have you heard of this little dark purple gem? It's like the superhero of immune support. Whether you're into the syrup or prefer capsules, elderberry is all about giving your immune system that extra oomph to fend off those pesky infections.

Antioxidant Syrup: Now, this is like a nutrient-packed cocktail for your body. A syrup loaded with antioxidants? Yes, please! Keep an eye out for ones that boast a mix of antioxidants, especially goodies like vitamin C and E.

Energybits®: Okay, so we've all had those days when we're feeling a bit off, and even the thought of food is a no-go. Enter Energybits®. These little tablets are like mini powerhouses, packed with all the vitamins and minerals you need. They're a quick fix to boost your energy and support your immune system, especially when you're not up for a full meal. You can also take these on a daily basis to support your immune system.

Use code LEAHB for 20% off Energybits®

Home Remedies for Cold & Flu 

So, what do you do if you’ve already caught something and not feeling well? I’ve got plenty of home remedies to boost your immunity and fight off that sickness! But first things first—remember our bodies are all unique. Your symptoms might not be a mirror image of mine. So firstly, I recommend digging into that book I mentioned above—The Complete Homeopathy Handbook—and customize your homeopathic medicine cabinet to what YOU need.

And I've got to stress this: have these remedies ready BEFORE you start feeling icky. Waiting to order them when you're already down? With shipping being a snail's pace sometimes (especially during the busy holiday season!), by the time they land on your doorstep, you might be back on your feet already.

Another little tip from me: I love snagging remedies during sales. The great thing about homeopathic products? They've got a pretty long shelf life as long as you store them correctly and keep them away from batteries.

And speaking of my holistic medicine cabinet, I'm all about herbs and herbal tinctures. They last a long time, but again, storing them properly is key. I've got this online spot I adore for my herbal tinctures called SubLuna. The quirky thing about SubLuna—they’vegot this cycle thing going on where they only open up their store about every six weeks. But heads up, their stuff flies off the virtual shelves super fast. It can be a tad frustrating when you're trying to stock up, but honestly? The quality? TOTALLY worth the wait.

Herbal Home Remedies

Echinacea: This herb is an excellent choice for boosting your immune system right at the onset of an illness.

Spruce Tips: I find spruce tips to be quite helpful, especially when you're feeling unwell and having trouble sleeping.

Poppy Flower Tincture: SubLuna offers a poppy flower tincture that is so good for promoting better sleep, particularly when you’re not feeling well.

Feverfew: This is another great remedy, especially when you're dealing with a fever.

Additionally, there are herbs available in capsule form that I find effective:

Mullein: This is a great choice if you have a bad cough, as it primarily targets the respiratory system.

Marshmallow Root: Another herb to consider, especially for its soothing properties.

Incorporating herbs, tinctures, and homeopathy into your wellness routine can be incredibly effective, especially if you identify symptoms early and select the right remedy. Doing so can significantly expedite the healing process. So, these are valuable resources to keep in your holistic medicine cabinet for when the time comes!

Unconventional Tips to Boost Immunity

Sinus Issues

So, let's chat about Swedish bitters. I've been using them mainly for those pesky sinus issues. Both my husband and I get issues with our sinuses. And when they act up, Pulsatilla is usually our go-to. But here's a little Leah-twist I've been trying: First, I dab some lotion around my sinuses–gotta make sure it's gentle on the skin. Then, I take a cotton ball soaked in Swedish bitters and pop it right on those sinuses. I secure it with some tape, and yes, I end up looking a little crazy. But guess what? It's been a game-changer in keeping those sinus infections at bay!

Now, a quick note: infections are no joke. Always take them seriously. But if you catch things early enough, this method has been a lifesaver for me.


When it comes to fevers, we all have our ways of handling them. Remember, fevers are actually the body doing its thing to heal, especially with our little ones. But I know, it can be nerve-wracking when their temperatures rise!

Here are a few methods I use to support the body during a fever:

Essential Oils: I use highly diluted peppermint, spearmint, or basil essential oils on the spine to provide relief.

Cold Sock Trick: This involves dunking a socked foot in ice-cold water, followed by covering it with a warm wool sock before getting under the covers. While it may not have extensive scientific backing, it's a traditional approach that works surprisingly well to support the body during a fever!

Electrolytes: For those who struggle to consume enough food or water during a fever, I recommend electrolyte supplements. My preferred brands include Paleo Valley, Redmond's Relight, and Just Ingredients. The choice depends on your sodium intake preferences.

Energybits®: These nutrient-packed bits are also ideal for individuals who struggle to eat while sick. They're loaded with vitamins and minerals and can be easily swallowed to provide essential nutrition.

Bone Broth: If possible, incorporating bone broth into your diet during illness can be beneficial.

I've found all of these approaches to be really effective in supporting the body during sickness and helping my family and I recover more quickly!

Rowe Casa Home Remedies 

For Kids:

Ear Infections and Earaches: Proper ear alignment, especially around C2, is essential, as it affects ear drainage. I've found this alignment crucial for preventing earaches and infections in my children, as genetics seem to play a role in this issue. To address earaches, I use Rowe Casa’s Earache Drops hourly. Additionally, I utilize Hyland's homeopathic ear drops, but at a lower frequency, typically two to three times a day.

Decongestion and Lymphatic Drainage: To combat congestion and promote lymphatic drainage, I employ a gentle self-lymphatic drainage technique. I start at the collarbone, gently brushing outward towards the shoulders around 40 times. Then, I place my hands under their ears and lightly pulse about ten times. Finally, I delicately brush downward from ears to shoulders, all while using a small amount of the Baby Decongestion Salve. I also apply some of the decongestion cream to their sinuses, being cautious to avoid the eyes. I conclude by administering the Earache Drops and gently pulling their earlobes outward and downward.

Tummy Aches: For stomach discomfort, the Tummy Oil from Rowe Casa proves highly effective.

For Adults:

Earaches: I recommend Rowe Casa’s Earache Oil. Additionally, I create a diluted essential oil blend of lavender, basil, and peppermint, applying it behind the ears for relief.

Nasal Congestion: Rowe Casa’s Sinus Decongestion Spray provides immediate relief by clearing sinuses.

Sore Throats: I use Rowe Casa’s Throat Spray, which effectively numbs and soothes a sore throat.

Immune Support: I incorporate elderberry and Rowe Casa’s Antioxidant Syrup to strengthen the immune system.

Headaches: To alleviate headaches, I utilize Rowe Casa’s Headache and Sinus Salve and their Magnesium Cream, applying them to the temples and the base of the neck while gently massaging.

Fever and Aches: In cases of fever or general discomfort, I recommend Rowe Casa’s Detox Bath Salts for a hot bath.

Congestion: Rowe Casa offers both the Decongestion Cream and Lymphatic Cream. I choose one based on the level of congestion. The same lymphatic flow technique used for children is equally beneficial for adults, supporting the body's fight against illness more effectively.

Muscle and Joint Discomfort: Rowe Casa’s Muscle and Joint Cream is ideal for easing aches and pains, especially during fevers. It contains cooling elements like peppermint or camphor oil, making it soothing when feeling overheated.

These remedies work so well and help my family and I recover within 48 hours rather than days on end and avoid lingering symptoms, like a persistent cough.

Creating Your Go-To Natural Medicine Routine

So again, I just want to say that when you’re exploring these alternative approaches, always chat with your healthcare provider. We're all about making informed choices that fit our unique needs and, of course, our kids’. 

Personally, I’m all about nipping colds and infections in the bud before they turn into a big deal. Instead of just crossing my fingers and hoping things don't get worse, I'm on it right away. Honestly, my dream is to keep my kids off antibiotics as much as possible because those can throw their immune systems for a loop, and before you know it, you're in this never-ending cycle of getting sick. So, the moment I spot those sniffles or any little sign of sickness, I've got my go-to home remedies at the ready to boost their immune system! It took me a bit to build up my own medicine cabinet and I started with homeopathy because, let's be real, it's easier on the wallet.

The magic of homeopathy? It's all about YOU. We're all different, and our bodies don't all react the same way to different things. So, why should our treatments be cookie-cutter? With homeopathy, you get to custom create your own personal medicine cabinet full of supplements and remedies to treat you and your family’s specific health challenges.

So, next time you or one of your loved ones is feeling a bit off, remember: tune into your body, pinpoint those symptoms, and use homeopathy home remedies to boost immunity and guide you back to full health!


Switch & Ditch Guide

Non-Toxic Product Swaps

Simple product swaps and recommendations to help you remove toxins and chemicals from your life! This guide will support you in choosing less toxic options when it's time to purchase your everyday products again.


The recommendations presented in this blog are not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified doctor. Before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle, please consult with your health care provider.


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