Episode 113: Mineral Magic - HTMA Testing for Hormone Balance


I get asked every day if I can review someone's labs or run labs for them outside of my programs. I hear you! Labs can provide so much helpful information. But if you've listened to my other podcasts about labs, you know I'm a firm believer that true healing requires implementing healthy habits and lifestyle changes. This is why I won't run or review one-off labs outside of my programs.

Labs are only one piece of the puzzle, but one lab that I think we can all benefit from is an HTMA (hair mineral analysis). So I'm so excited to share with you that I've finally built a self-paced program based on HTMA testing that can help you get the labs AND the foundations you need to start your health journey!

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • Why I don't do one-off labs outside of my programs

  • How labs can be used to support lifestyle changes

  • All about Mineral Magic, my new program that includes HTMA testing and self-paced training modules


Join Mineral Magic to get your own personalized health protocol!


Additional Resources


Seed cycling from Funk it Wellness: LEAH15

ENERGYbits®: LEAHB for 20% off

Real Mushroom extracts: LEAH10 

Rowe Casa Organics: LEAHB for 20% off your first order

NED CBD: LEAH to save 15%

Mushroom coffee

Get your supplements at a discount here

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The recommendations presented in this podcast are not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified doctor. Before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle, please consult with your healthcare provider.

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Episode 114: Mineral Balance for Gut Health


Episode 112: Harnessing the Power of Hemp