Episode 164: Everything to Know About Lyme Disease: Prevention, Diagnosis, & Treatment


For the last few decades, Lyme disease has been a hot topic in the medical community; and it’s not surprising, as it can have horrible long-term side-effects if it’s not diagnosed or treated the right way. Lyme disease is a condition that’s often misunderstood and misdiagnosed, and today, I’ll discuss all of its intricacies with my guest, the amazing Dr. Casey Kelley.

Dr. Kelley is a board-certified family medicine physician and a specialist in integrative medicine, Lyme disease, and its associated conditions. Together, she and I will be providing you with a comprehensive overview of Lyme disease, from what causes it to how to prevent it, how to diagnose it, and the best ways to treat it.

We’ll also be talking about how Lyme bacteria proteins can mimic thyroid proteins and trigger autoimmune thyroiditis, the importance of having regular tick checks, why chronic Lyme disease is so difficult to diagnose, how this condition can alter our immune system, and more.

Are you ready to learn how to stay safe from Lyme disease? Then tune in now!

Additional Links & Resources:

Learn more about Dr. Casey Kelley’s work

Join the Free Training

3 Secrets to Balancing Hormones Naturally


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Go to qualityoflife.net and enter code LEAH at checkout for 15% off your first order. 


Additional Resources


Seed cycling from Funk it Wellness: LEAH15

ENERGYbits®: LEAHB for 20% off

Eversio Wellness Mushroom Extracts: LEAH for 15% off

Rowe Casa Organics: LEAHB for 20% off your first order

NED CBD: LEAH to save 15%

Mushroom coffee

Get your supplements at a discount here

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Follow us on Instagram @balancinghormonesnaturally 


The recommendations presented in this podcast are not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified doctor. Before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle, please consult with your healthcare provider.

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Episode 165: How Healing Your Emotions Can Heal Your Body


Episode 163: 3 Steps for a Smooth Transition into Perimenopause