Episode 105: The Key to Metabolic Health & Weight Management


Jenn Trepeck has been described as a "force of nature" in the wellness space as an optimal health coach, podcaster, and business consultant. With expert knowledge and a light-hearted attitude, she focuses on debunking fad diets, exposing the BS we are fed by the food and diet industry, how the people around us can positively and negatively impact our health journey, and shifting mindsets in order to overcome inappropriate barometers of success to instead achieve happy, healthy, and meaningful change.

In this episode, we talk with Jenn about how to live your life but also feel good. She shares tips about listening to our bodies to recognize the foods we're actually craving, to understand our hunger, and to set ourselves up for success by learning how our body processes and stores nutrients in order to support our metabolic health. And most importantly we discuss the importance of keeping it simple in order to reduce stress and anxiety around food and nutrition to help us live healthier and happier lives.

In this episode, you will learn more about:

  • Learning the framework to understand food and diet messages

  • The connection between willpower and blood sugar

  • Head-hunger versus stomach-hunger

Connect with Jenn on her website, podcast, and Instagram.

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Seed Cycling Funk it Wellness: LEAH15

ENERGYbits®: LEAHB for 20% off

Real Mushrooms: LEAH10

Rowe Casa Organics: LEAHB for 20% off your first order

NED CBD: LEAH to save 15%

Mushroom coffee

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The recommendations presented in this podcast are not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified doctor. Before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle, please consult with your healthcare provider.

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Episode 106: How to Start Living in Your Best Frequency


Episode 104: Greenwashing: Becoming an Educated Consumer