The Benefits of Exercise Beyond Weight Loss

I’ve talked before about optimizing your workouts by paying attention to your cycle and adapting to what your body needs during the different menstrual phases. And any time we talk about movement or exercise, I think it’s super important to explore the benefits of a movement practice that isn’t focused on weight loss.

Let’s get something out of the way first… 

Unless you just got your first smartphone yesterday, you’re probably aware of the pervasive diet culture we all live in. This messaging has been worming its way into our brains our whole lives and it can leave us less than enthused about exercise. Especially when we consider the fact that our society tries to equate our worthiness to the number on the scale. 

But if you take nothing else away from this blog post, please hear this: You are worthy of love and have value no matter what the scale says. You do not need to lose weight to wear that dress, you do not need to lose weight to play that sport, you do not need to lose weight to go to that event. You are more than a number on the scale.

Yes, there are health related reasons for weight loss. You can of course focus on weight loss if it is medically necessary. But what I hope you know is that even if you need to lose weight, you are still just as worthy of respect and entitled to joy at the beginning of that journey as you are at the end of it.

On top of that, you deserve to be able to enjoy the body you live in and enjoy what it can do! So let’s not let weight loss be the guiding sun of our universe. Let’s focus on embracing what our body can do instead of dwelling on what it “should” look like. 

The Joys and Benefits of Movement 

With that in mind, let's talk about something way cooler – how awesome movement is for your head and heart! So, forget the scale for a bit, and let's dive into all the amazing things movement does for you.

Stress-Be-Gone: Movement's Secret Sauce for Feeling Good

When life gets crazy, and stress starts piling up, movement becomes your secret potion. Every time you exercise, your body releases these natural feel-good chemicals called endorphins. It's like a magical orchestra playing a tune that sweeps away stress and lifts your mood. And the best part? This stress-busting magic doesn't vanish the moment your workout ends.

Regular movement gives you lasting superpowers. When life throws challenges your way, your newfound resilience helps you face them head-on. It's like having a shield against the tough stuff. Movement shapes your mind, making you more positive and better equipped to deal with whatever comes your way.

Better Focus, More Creativity, and Inner Strength

Movement isn't just about sweating it out in the gym. Nope, it brings some cool extras into your daily life. Regular exercise doesn't just tone your muscles; it tones up your brain too. You'll notice better focus and a creative spark that wasn't there before.

As you make movement a habit, the good vibes stick around. You'll find yourself handling tasks with more clarity and tackling problems like a boss. Exercise is like a superpower, making you more creative and giving you the strength to face whatever life throws at you. So, let movement be your everyday superhero. It's not just about feeling good during a workout; it's about building a strong, happy mind that lasts way beyond those gym sessions.

Building Bone Strength

Osteoporosis is a sneaky condition that weakens bones and makes them more susceptible to fractures. Unfortunately, it tends to target women as they age. Amidst all the ways you can move, weightlifting stands out as your best prevention against osteoporosis. This isn't just a workout; it's your secret weapon for strong, unyielding bones. When we say weightlifting, we're not just talking about lifting heavy stuff – it's also about resistance training. This involves working against a force, like your own body weight or those trusty dumbbells.

By embracing weightlifting and resistance training, you're not just working those biceps or sculpting killer abs – you're effectively preventing loss of bone density and crafting a resilient foundation for the years ahead. It's not just about looking strong; it's about being strong from the inside out. It's a long-term investment in your bone health, and trust us, your future self will thank you!

Improving Your Sleep Quality

Your journey with movement isn't limited to the daylight hours. It's a 24/7 affair, and when it comes to sleep, movement takes center stage. As you engage in regular physical activity, you're helping your body prepare for deep, restorative sleep.

Regular physical activity isn't just a workout; it's the perfect prelude to a night of sweet dreams. It sets the stage for your body and mind to truly relax. Whether it's a brisk walk, a yoga session, or a dance class, movement creates a rhythm that lulls you into a state of calmness, preparing you for a peaceful slumber.

Embrace the joy of movement, and in return, receive the gift of restful nights! You'll find yourself waking up not just rested, but invigorated and ready to tackle the day with newfound energy.

Balancing Blood Sugar 

If you’ve been a follower of mine for a while, or really even if you’ve just barely swiped through a few blogs or podcast episodes, you know how big of an advocate I am for balancing your blood sugar. Balaced blood sugar is so important for your overall health and impacts almost every system in your body! Taking control of your blood sugar is one of the most meaningful ways you can take control of your health. And one super impactful way to balance your blood sugar is through movement! All kinds of movement, whether it's walking, doing yoga, or lifting weights, play a crucial role in maintaining balanced blood sugar levels. 

Now, let's zoom in on how movement, in general, benefits blood sugar. All forms of physical activity, from a casual stroll to more intense workouts, enhance your body's sensitivity to insulin. Insulin is the hormone responsible for ushering glucose (sugar) into your cells for energy. Regular movement ensures that this process operates smoothly.

Consider glucose as the fuel for your body. Movement optimizes the way your body uses this fuel, ensuring efficient utilization. It's like fine-tuning your body's engine to process and use sugar effectively, preventing erratic spikes or drops in blood sugar levels.

The positive impact of movement on your blood sugar extends way beyond the time you spend playing and exercising. Making movement a regular part of your lifestyle promotes sustained balance in blood sugar levels. It's not just about addressing immediate concerns; it's about adopting a lifestyle that nurtures your metabolic health over the long term.

Overall, all types of movement, from simple activities to more vigorous exercises, contribute to the stability of blood sugar levels. It's not about complicated routines; it's about incorporating practical, regular movement into your life to positively influence your blood sugar and support overall metabolic health.

A Celebration Beyond Weight Loss

Shifting your perspective from the number on the scale to a celebration of movement can revitalize your wellness journey. Exercise is a testament to the incredible capabilities your body has. It's a celebration of strength, agility, and the simple joy of being able to move! Every time you move your body, you are supporting mental wellness, bone fortification, restful sleep, blood sugar balance, and more. So, step away from the scale, and start enjoying movement just for the sake of moving – a practice rich with benefits that extend far beyond the scale.


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The recommendations presented in this blog are not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified doctor. Before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle, please consult with your health care provider.


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