How to Exercise with Your Cycle

Did you know that your menstrual cycle impacts your muscles and energy levels? My co-coach, Kaitlin York, and I recently had an awesome conversation about how to work out smarter and get the best results by working with your cycle. Whether you're into building muscle, losing weight, getting stronger, or just improving your overall health, syncing your workouts with your menstrual cycle can be a game-changer.

Benefits of Exercise Beyond Weight Loss

First things first — let’s debunk the myth that movement is only about shedding pounds! Excerise doesn’t have to be maximum effort weightlifting or personal bests all of the time. It doesn’t even have to make you sweat. And weight loss certainly isn’t the only reason we should be working out!

The idea of incorporating activity and embracing movement outside of sweaty gym sessions to lose weight is something we should all embrace more. It’s not just about how much you can lift or how far you can run. It’s about why you move. It’s about being able to use your body to live your life! 

So, let’s take a look at some of the other health benefits we get from movement that aren’t correlated to a number on a scale. 

Blood Sugar Balance:

Movement, especially weightlifting, is a superhero for blood sugar balance. It sends glucose to your muscles, preventing spikes and promoting overall health.

Mental Health Boost:

Exercise is a mood enhancer, a stress-buster, and a sleep improver. It's not just about physical fitness; it's about mental wellness. Embrace the endorphins, ladies!

Osteoporosis Prevention:

Weightlifting is your secret weapon against osteoporosis. Resistance training slows down the process, ensuring your bones stay strong and healthy.

Movement isn't just a checkbox for weight loss. Take the stairs, go for walks, incorporate fun activities like horseback riding. Fitness is enjoyable and diverse; find what makes your heart race with joy. So, let’s shift the focus from the scale to the numerous other perks of movement. Exercise is a celebration of what your body can do, and it's time to embrace that wholeheartedly!

How Each Cycle Phase Affects Your Muscles and Energy Levels

Let’s look at how each phase of your menstrual cycle can affect your body and your energy levels. Understanding the nuances of each phase can revolutionize your approach to workouts!

Follicular and Ovulatory Phases:

As you move from menstruation to the follicular and ovulatory phases of your menstrual cycle, you’ll often notice a surge in energy. This shift is not merely a biological quirk; it's a strategic invitation to optimize your workouts for maximum impact! Let's look at the reasons why lifting heavier weights and embracing higher-energy activities during these phases can be a game-changer for your fitness routine.

Estrogen Takes the Lead: During the follicular phase, estrogen levels start to climb. This rise continues into the ovulatory phase, reaching its peak. Estrogen is a powerful hormone with many benefits, including enhancing muscle function and strength. Lifting heavier weights during these phases capitalizes on estrogen's strength-boosting effects.

Energy Reservoir Overflow: Mitochondria, the little energy powerhouses of your cells, also experience a surge in efficiency during the follicular and ovulatory phases. As your body readies itself for potential pregnancy, it's gearing up with extra energy. Lifting heavier weights taps into this energy reservoir, allowing you to push your limits and challenge your muscles more than usual.

Optimal Recovery Potential During Follicular and Ovulatory Phases

Faster Recovery Rates: The body's ability to recover is optimized during this phase. Whether it's repairing microtears in muscles or replenishing glycogen stores, your recovery potential is at its peak. This means you can hit those heavier lifts and high-energy workouts with confidence, knowing your body is primed for efficient recovery.

Mood-Boosting Endorphins: Intense workouts, like HIIT, spin classes, or bootcamps, release a flood of endorphins – your body's natural mood lifters. Riding the wave of elevated estrogen, these workouts become not just a physical challenge but a mental and emotional boost. Your heightened energy levels sync with the endorphin release, leaving you feeling empowered and upbeat.

So as you move into the follicular and ovulatory phases and you feel your energy levels increase, unleash that inner powerhouse! Lift heavier weights with fewer reps and do some high-intensity activities during this time to keep the energy flowing.

Luteal and Menses Phases

As you transition into the luteal and menses phases of your menstrual cycle, a shift in energy and focus calls for a different approach to your exercise routine. This is the time for a more gentle and nurturing fitness strategy, characterized by more reps, lower weights, and the invaluable practice of active rest days.

Respecting Hormonal Changes: The luteal phase, in particular, sees a rise in progesterone levels. While progesterone is a crucial player in preparing the uterus for a potential pregnancy, it can also contribute to a temporary dip in energy. Choosing more reps with lower weights aligns with this natural flow, providing a workout that's challenging yet considerate of your hormonal changes.

Building Endurance: Opting for more reps with lower weights shifts the focus from sheer strength to endurance. This approach allows you to engage and sculpt your muscles without placing excessive strain on them. It's a mindful way of toning and conditioning your body, respecting its inherent capabilities during this phase.

Embracing Active Rest Days: The concept of active rest days is a cornerstone of your fitness routine during the luteal and menses phases. Recognizing that your body might appreciate a break from high-intensity workouts, active rest introduces a gentler form of movement. Activities like yoga or Pilates provide not only physical benefits but also nurture your mental and emotional well-being.

Balancing Stress Levels: Intense workouts can elevate cortisol levels, and during the luteal phase, when progesterone is on the rise, your body is already dealing with hormonal fluctuations. Incorporating active rest days acts as a buffer, helping to keep cortisol levels in check. This balance is essential for preventing undue stress on your body.

Enhancing Flexibility and Mindfulness: Cross-training with low-impact activities like yoga or Pilates serves a dual purpose. It enhances flexibility and tones muscles without subjecting your body to excessive strain. These practices also bring an element of mindfulness into your routine, fostering a strong mind-body connection.

So in the luteal and menstrual phases, give yourself a breather. More reps, lower weights, and don't forget about active rest days. Incorporate low-impact cross-training like yoga or Pilates. Your body will thank you for the variation!

Menstrual Phase

Let’s look a little closer at your menstrual phase in particular. This phase of your cycle is a time of heightened sensitivity and receptivity, and your approach to exercise should mirror this. Like we talked about above, your menstrual phase calls for a shift towards lighter, more restorative exercises, and this is why it’s so important during this phase of your cycle!

Honoring Menstrual Energy: Menstruation itself is a natural process that requires a certain degree of energy from your body. Listening to your body during this phase means acknowledging the need for a gentle, restorative approach. Opting for lighter exercises during this time allows you to conserve and redirect your energy for essential bodily processes.

Reducing Physical Stress: Menstruation involves the shedding of the uterine lining, a process that requires a delicate balance of hormones and energy. Engaging in high-intensity workouts during this time can potentially increase physical stress, affecting the smooth progression of the menstrual phase. Choosing lighter exercises is a way of supporting your body's natural rhythm and reducing unnecessary stress.

Embracing Restorative Practices: The menstrual phase is the perfect time to embrace restorative exercises that nurture both your body and mind. Practices like yoga and gentle stretching not only promote physical well-being but also offer a space for mental and emotional rejuvenation. The focus shifts from pushing your limits to embracing a healing and soothing movement flow.

Learning to Listen to Your Pain: For some individuals, the menstrual phase may come with increased sensitivity to pain. High-impact exercises can exacerbate discomfort during this time. Choosing lighter, more soothing activities becomes a form of self-compassion, allowing you to tune in to your body's signals and respond with care.

Supporting Hormonal Balance: Intense workouts can sometimes disrupt hormonal balance. During menstruation, hormonal levels are already undergoing significant shifts. Opting for lighter exercises helps in maintaining hormone balance and prevent unnecessary fluctuations that might interfere with the natural progression of your cycle.

Mindful Movement: The menstrual phase invites you to deepen your mind-body connection. Lighter, more intentional exercises provide an opportunity for mindful movement. As you tune into the subtleties of your body, you create a space for self-awareness and self-care, fostering a positive relationship with your menstrual cycle.

Customizing Your Approach: It's crucial to recognize that individual experiences of menstruation vary. While some individuals may feel energized and comfortable with moderate exercise during this phase, others may prefer gentler activities. Listening to your body allows you to customize your approach based on your unique needs and comfort levels.

During your period, it's like your body is in reset mode. Energy levels might be a tad lower, so listen to your body and go for lighter, more restorative exercises. Think Pilates or yoga to ease into things.


Now that you understand how to exercise during each phase of your menstrual cycle, let’s talk about recovery! It's not just about lounging on the couch; it's about strategically nurturing your body for optimal results.

Proper Nutrition: After a challenging workout, nutrition is key to promoting recovery. Focus on replenishing with a balanced blend of protein and carbohydrates. Picture it as providing your body with the essential building blocks it craves to repair and rebuild. Protein aids in muscle repair, while carbohydrates replenish the energy stores depleted during exercise. A post-workout snack or meal rich in these elements ensures your body gets the nutrients it needs for optimal recovery.

Restorative Sleep: I know we’re all busy, but don’t underestimate the transformative power of sleep! It's not merely downtime; it's a crucial phase where your body engages in repair and restoration. Aim for a solid 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep each night. Investing in blackout curtains is a great way to create an ideal sleeping environment.

Holistic Recovery Strategies: Ever treated your muscles to the luxury of a magnesium bath or sauna therapy? These aren't just fun indulgences; they're amazing recovery strategies! Magnesium baths soothe tired muscles, aiding in relaxation and recovery. Sauna therapy, with its heat-induced benefits, promotes circulation, accelerates healing, and eases muscle tension. Both serve as valuable tools in your recovery toolkit.

Hydration, the Recovery Elixir: After sweating it out, your body craves replenishment. Water is not just a beverage; it helps flush out toxins, transports vital nutrients, and keeps your muscles hydrated. Adequate hydration is key to efficient recovery and should be a non-negotiable part of your post-exercise routine.

Acupressure Mats to Boost Blood Flow: Acupressure mats are another secret weapon for recovery. These mats, with their tiny spikes, work wonders in boosting blood flow to targeted areas. By lying or sitting on the mat, you enhance circulation, promoting nutrient delivery to your muscles and expediting the recovery process. It's a simple yet effective addition to your recovery rituals.

Recovery isn't a passive phase; it's an active investment in your body's well-being. Nourish it with the right nutrients, honor it with quality sleep, and explore diverse recovery strategies to find what works best for you. Your journey to becoming a stronger, more resilient version of yourself isn’t only measured by hours at the gym but by how you take care of yourself ALL the time.

Remember, moving your body comes with some seriously great benefits, like slowing down bone loss, keeping your blood sugar in check, boosting your mood, improving sleep, making you happier, bending and stretching better, and cranking up your energy levels. So, when you fine-tune your fitness, you're not only working on gains in the gym but also giving your whole well-being a boost. 

I encourage you to take the time to learn how to listen to your body as you go through your monthly cycle so you can better optimize your workouts for overall better health. I promise you your body will thank you for it!


Free Painless Period Prep Guide

Download the FREE guide to learn more about balancing your hormones so that you can finally experience pain-free periods!


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