6 Foods to Eat for Painless Periods

chopped broccoli on cutting board with text overlay "6 foods to eat for painless periods"

For years, I battled the excruciating pain of menstrual cramps. No matter how much ibuprofen I swallowed or heating pads I clung to, the pain seemed never-ending. I've walked that path, and now I'm here to guide you towards painless periods! The truth is, countless women endure this pain without realizing that relief can be found through their lifestyle and nutrition!

I'm going to share a few easy dietary adjustments to make during your luteal phase to help alleviate those dreaded period cramps.

Understanding Your Luteal Phase

Your luteal phase kicks in after ovulation in your menstrual cycle, typically lasting around two weeks. If you're not sure how to track your cycle, check out our guide here. Because our body is producing and processing different hormones throughout the month, we can help it along by nourishing our bodies based on what it needs during different times in our cycle.

The foods you eat during your luteal phase can drastically impact the degree of discomfort you experience during your period.

So let's dive into the foods that can make a real difference.

  1. Lemon Juice: Your Liver's Best Friend

    First on the list is lemon juice, and here's why. Your liver plays a crucial role in filtering out excess hormones, which, in many cases, can be a root cause of painful periods. When you hear about "excess estrogen" or "estrogen dominance," it means that your body has too much estrogen relative to other hormones. And sometimes this is because our drainage pathways aren’t working their best, so they don’t detox your estrogen effectively. By giving your liver a little extra love with lemon juice, you're lightening its workload, making it easier for your body to maintain hormonal balance.

  2. Soluble Fiber: Oranges to the Rescue

    Another great way to support your body during the luteal phase is by consuming soluble fiber, and oranges are an excellent source. Soluble fiber is like a natural cleanse for your body. It also helps us flush out excess estrogen to restore balance to your hormone levels.

  3. Beets: Iron and Gall Bladder Support

    Beets are another fantastic addition during your luteal phase for several reasons. They're rich in iron, which prepares your body for the blood loss that occurs during your period. But beets also provide support for your gall bladder. Your ability to digest fats can dip during your luteal phase – a floating stool after a bowel movement can be a telltale sign – so adding beets and supporting your liver can help your body handle fats more efficiently, minimizing digestive discomfort.

  4. Cruciferous Vegetables: Balancing Estrogen Naturally

    I never recommend supplementing with DIM (Diindolylmethane) unless you’re working with a practitioner. BUT cruciferous vegetables are a luteal phase superhero, because they naturally contain DIM. This compound works wonders in promoting a balanced level of estrogen in your body. If you often deal with pre-menstrual breakouts or suffer from painful cramps, cruciferous veggies can be a game-changer.

  5. Raw Cacao: Magnesium Muscle Relaxer

    Raw cacao, rich in magnesium, is a superfood that can be your best friend during that time of the month. Magnesium is known for helping your muscles relax and reducing the intensity of cramps. Many people find relief by taking magnesium supplements in the five days leading up to their period and during the first couple of days of menstruation. And you can easily get some extra magnesium in with some yummy raw cacao!

  6. Turmeric: Anti-Inflammatory Powerhouse

    Last but not least, incorporate turmeric into your diet. It's naturally anti-inflammatory, which is exactly what you need during your luteal phase. Inflammation in your body can activate an enzyme called aromatase, which converts testosterone to estrogen. Yikes! Definitely not what we want, especially if we're already dealing with estrogen dominance. Turmeric can help keep inflammation in check and prevent this unwanted hormonal conversion.

Simple Recipe for Painless Periods

One of my favorite ways to easily incorporate a bunch of these nutrients is by eating a raw carrot salad every day. Just grate or chop up all of the ingredients, drizzle some dressing on top, and enjoy knowing that you’re setting yourself up for success! 


Daily Raw Carrot Salad Recipe

For the Salad

  • 1 raw carrot (not a baby carrot!) 

  • Raw beets (great for your liver and iron) 

  • Apple (adds great flavor!)

For the Dressing

  • Lemon Juice (contains vitamin C and is great for adrenals) 

  • Olive oil

  • Sea salt (also great for adrenals)


Painful periods are common, but they don’t have to be your norm. 

With a few dietary and lifestyle tweaks and some mindful choices during your luteal phase, you can significantly reduce pain and discomfort during your period! Learn more about supporting your body for painless periods here.


Free Painless Period Prep Guide

Download the FREE guide to learn more about balancing your hormones so that you can finally experience pain-free periods!


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The recommendations presented in this blog are not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified doctor. Before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle, please consult with your health care provider.


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