How to Choose Clean Makeup Brands

If you’ve been on the hunt for non-toxic makeup that actually works, I’m going to go over the clean makeup products I’ve actually tried and share my experience with you. We’re also going to go through my process of being a makeup detective to ensure that we’re only using products with ingredients that we trust. 

Now, I'm not a makeup influencer or anything, but I'm here to help you find the best products that work for me. I have slightly dry skin and not too oily, so keep that in mind when considering my recommendations. 

But first I want to begin with a disclaimer: I'm not a chemist. Everything I share here is based on my independent research, where I've delved into studies, examined ingredient lists, and educated myself to help guide my clients and you toward making informed choices.

Navigating the world of makeup ingredients can be tricky. 

We’re working to educate ourselves on how to identify safer products so we can do better. I’m going to share some of my personal favorites too if you’re not ready to jump into doing ALL of the research. But it's important to note that you don't have to share my preferences. You're free to choose your own path, and that's absolutely fine with me, these are just the clean makeup options that I like and what has worked for me.

I also want to emphasize that we’re all just doing our best here! I don’t want you to overwhelm yourself with the pursuit of perfection. Because here’s the thing - “green makeup” can be a huge scam, unfortunately. Supposedly green, clean beauty is often misleading and can cause unnecessary stress. So, it’s not about perfection - I'll provide you with knowledge, but ultimately, you get to decide what works best for you in your unique situation.

Finding trustworthy certifications and resources 

When starting my journey into non-toxic makeup, I initially relied on the Environmental Working Group (EWG). However, I truly believe that brands pay for EWG certifications. It just doesn’t line up that many of the brands and products that are EWG-certified still contain ingredients labeled as toxic. The inconsistency is puzzling and undermines the credibility of these certifications. 

So now, I primarily use the Yuka app, a European-based resource. Their product ingredient lists aren’t always complete, so be sure to do your research outside of the app too. 

Another challenge we run into with makeup is greenwashing - when brands claim to be non-toxic or organic, but still contain harmful ingredients like PFAS. It can be confusing and frustrating for us as consumers to figure out what’s actually going on. 

Ingredients to watch out for:

Dioxins, known by various names, are associated with reproductive harm, so it's best to avoid them. 

Phenoxyethanol, a replacement for parabens, is considered unacceptable for children under three years old by a French agency, making it another ingredient to steer clear of. 

Cyclopentasiloxane is toxic to reproduction and commonly found in many products.

Petroleum is another prominent offender which hides behind a lot of different names. It poses a significant health concern as it can generate 1,4-dioxane, a potential contributor to cancer. 

Polybutene contains MOAH and MOSH, which act as genotoxic carcinogens. They accumulate in the body, particularly in the lymph nodes and liver, and aren't easily eliminated once ingested or applied to the skin.

Polyethylene is another one to be cautious of, as it contains POSH, which accumulates in the body's lymph nodes and liver, causing unwanted inflammatory reactions.

Fragrance is a huge offender, known as a human immune toxin, allergen, and endocrine disruptor - definitely not something we want in our products!

Parabens are hormone disruptors. They mimic estrogen in the body and interfere with the hormone system, affecting both male and female reproductive systems, development, fertility, and birth outcomes. Keep an eye out for various names like Phthalates, DEP, DBE, DEHP, as they are all reproductive toxins.

PFAS are forever chemicals that have been used for decades in the United States. They've been linked to reproductive issues, cancers, cardiovascular disease, and immune problems. They're often found even in so-called “green beauty products” but we need to be super cautious about their long-lasting effects. Even low doses of PFAS can have significant impacts on our health, and considering the amount of makeup many of us apply daily, the accumulation over time is concerning.

Talc is another ingredient we're not big fans of. In recent years, tests have revealed the presence of asbestos in some children's and adult makeup due to talc powder contamination. Talc is known for its cancer-causing properties, so it's crucial to be on the lookout for it.

Mica is another one we want to avoid if it isn’t ethically sourced, because in some cases, the process is harmful to workers, especially when breathed in. 

Titanium dioxide - it’s important to make sure it's non-nano because we definitely don't want nanoparticles in our products!

Remember, this is just the tip of the iceberg, and there are many more ingredients to consider. It's a complex world out there, but with the right knowledge, you can make informed choices that align with your values and priorities.

Testing & Transparency - it's not just about the ingredients 

Testing and transparency are just as important as the actual ingredients in our products. We need to ask, "Is this product tested for PFAS?" Sometimes, even with great ingredients, PFAS can sneak into the product through packaging or the manufacturing process - it's frustrating, I know! 

Packaging matters too! Glass packaging is the ideal choice - the less plastic, the better. But, let's be real, sometimes we have to pick our battles. We want our makeup to work and we want it to be safe for us and the environment. So, it's often a balancing act of finding clean beauty products that meet our standards AND work well for us. At the end of the day, we're doing our best, and that's what counts. Let's keep educating ourselves and making informed choices for a healthier, happier beauty routine!

Let’s look at some examples. 

Alright, let's explore some makeup products and brands to help you make informed choices. This first example is a brand that I initially thought was really great - only to find out it’s pretty greenwashed.

Westman Atelier


First, we’ll look at Westman Atelier. On the surface, their makeup seems great, with no parabens, no talc, no PEGs, no phthalates, no synthetic fragrances, and no animal testing - all positives, right? However, we're here to dig deeper. So, let’s look at the actual ingredients listed for the products. 

Unfortunately, their highlight stick contains Polyethylene, which accumulates in the body and causes inflammatory reactions. It also contains titanium dioxide, but there's no mention of whether it's nano or non-nano. So, we might be dealing with some concerning ingredients in this product.


Sidenote - another brand that scored well on EWG is Mineral Fusion, but when you actually look into the ingredients, it's not as clean as it appears. So, you see, it's essential to scrutinize those ingredients and not just rely on the ratings!

Rejuva Minerals

Now, when it comes to clean beauty, it gets a bit tricky because some brands still end up green-washing us. For instance, Rejuva Minerals I initially loved for their ingredients and pricing. Sadly, they tested for fourteen parts per million of PFAS (forever chemicals) and that was a bit disappointing. But hey, we all have to make choices that work for us. I still really liked their lip gloss, it was a hit for sure. But their foundation? A total miss! It turned me orange, like really orange. I guess I need to work on my color selection skills.

Toups Organics

Next up, Toups Organics. Their ingredients were great and they passed heavy metals and PFAS testing with flying colors. But their foundation was a bit of a letdown, in my opinion. It felt more like a tinted moisturizer and didn't offer the coverage I was looking for. However, their tinted lip balm was fantastic, so I'll give them that. But oh, their mascara, it was a struggle. I wanted a water-resistant one without PFAS, but finding that was like searching for a needle in a haystack. Unfortunately, their mascara didn't perform well for me.

Fit Glow Beauty

Next up, Fit Glow Beauty. While I didn't try their foundation, their lip gloss performed really well. The only thing is, it smells a bit funny, but hey, it's a small price to pay for fabulous lips, right? I also tried their primer for eyelashes and mascara, and so far, so good. But I'm still testing more mascaras to give you the best recommendations.

My Favorite Clean Beauty Brands

Now let’s get to the part everyone always asks me about - what clean beauty products and brands do I personally recommend? And while of course I want to educate you and help you make your own informed decisions, I’m happy to share the brands I’ve found (so far!) to be both non-toxic AND actually work well.


P.S. Hot tip on ingredient research:

When you're browsing through products, use the "command F" function to search for specific ingredients.

It makes things much easier and prevents you from getting overwhelmed with those tongue-twisting names.

Trust me, reading ingredients can be mind-boggling, and using this search method streamlines the entire process.


I know this may seem overwhelming, and most of us don't have the time to analyze every ingredient in every product we use. But even starting with a few key ingredients and checking for non-nano versions of certain minerals can make a difference. So let's be conscious consumers and pick the best products we can find, supporting brands that prioritize our health and the environment!


Alright, now I've got to talk about one of my absolute favorites – Crunchi! First things first, I want to clarify that I don't sell their products, so no need to worry about that. I'm just genuinely excited to share my experience with you. The best part about Crunchi is their clean ingredients and their commitment to testing well for PFAS. And guess what? They use glass packaging - eco-friendly and fabulous!


Let's talk about their makeup performance because it’s top-notch! I've tried their foundation, concealer, and primer, and they all deliver. Their foundation is a real winner for me. The ingredients are impressive, the packaging is sustainable, and it gives me the flawless finish I desire. But oh, let me introduce you to a holy grail product - their lip crayons! Seriously, these little wonders are a lip color dream come true.

When you swipe these lip crayons on, it's like magic. Creamy, smooth, and absolutely stunning! And the best part? They don't dry out your lips or transfer all over the place. I can confidently say it's the best lip color experience you'll ever have. Plus, Crunchi makes sure their lip crayons are talc-free, which is a big thumbs-up in my book.

And if you're still not convinced, let me tell you about their lip gloss because it's divine. Crunchi has won my heart with their clean ingredients, effective performance, and fantastic lip products. So, if you're looking to treat your lips to something extraordinary, give Crunchi's lip crayons and gloss a try - you won't be disappointed with this clean beauty brand!

Rejuva Minerals' lip gloss is amazing too. The only downside is that it tested positive for PFAS - not something we're thrilled about. But putting that aside, the texture was always a problem for me with other lip glosses. Sticky, gummy, and everything seemed to cling to it. Plus, after about forty-five minutes, my lips would start feeling cracked and dried - not a cute look!

But with these lip glosses from Crunchi, it was a whole different story. No stickiness, no gumminess, and no clinging disasters. And here's the best part – my lips felt so moisturized! No more cracking or peeling after wearing them. It was like a breath of fresh air for my lips.

It's all about finding that balance between clean ingredients, performance, and personal preferences. 

Some brands may have a few hiccups in one area but shine in others. Remember, we're all on a journey of discovering what works best for us, and there's no one-size-fits-all solution. Let's keep exploring and experimenting with different brands until we find our perfect match!

I've shared my favorite brands, like Crunchi and Fit Glow. They all have fantastic ingredients, and some even come in glass packaging, which of course we love. I'm still on the hunt for the perfect tinted moisturizer, though. If you have any suggestions, let me know!

We’re all continually learning and adapting. 

As companies grow and change, they may reformulate their products or new information emerges about their testing. This can be for better or for worse, so it’s important to remember to just do the best you can. Make changes where it’s most impactful and keep adapting as you learn more. You can check out the Switch and Ditch Guide to see more non-toxic, clean beauty options for makeup, skincare, and hair care (and so much more!). The recommendations in this guide are based on personal experiences from both myself and my clients, ensuring you receive genuine feedback rather than just random internet reviews.


Switch & Ditch Guide

Clean Beauty & Non-Toxic Product Swaps

Simple product swaps and recommendations to help you remove toxins and chemicals from your life! This guide will support you in choosing less toxic options when it's time to purchase your everyday products again.


Additional Resources


The recommendations presented in this blog are not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified doctor. Before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle, please consult with your health care provider.


Some of these links contain affiliate links.


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