How to Boost Your Immune System Naturally

Many of us take some extra vitamin C when we want to boost our immune system. But there are SO MANY ways to naturally improve our immunity that can be incorporated into our everyday lifestyle! So, we’re going to explore all the different ways you can boost your immune system, from homeopathy and supplements to clever, cost-free tricks you can try right now.

We’re gonna dive in with one quick tip you’ve probably never heard of when it comes to boosting immunity!

Balancing Your Blood Sugar to Boost Immunity

I know many of you might be eager to hear about some magic remedy or supplement, but let's start with something essential – sugar. Yep, sugar can be a real troublemaker for our immunity. The numbers vary, but it has been said that sugar can lower our immune system for a staggering 32 to 72 hours! 

So, here's a simple tip – when you're around sick people, skip the sugar. Opt for balanced meals with veggies and protein to keep your blood sugar in check. I feel like I mention balancing blood sugar in every blog post and podcast but it really is SO impactful on your health, especially when it comes to immunity.

Up Your Nutrient Intake with Algae

Remember that episode on biohacking with algae? Oh, it was mind-blowing! We have a blog post and a podcast about it so if you missed those, be sure to check them out to learn about all the amazing benefits of algae. I give spirulina and chlorella to my son, Landon, and he loves it with applesauce. Not only does it work wonders for kiddos, but you can also take it for yourself. The nutrients in algae are incredible, seriously! Check out this post and you'll be amazed by the science behind it.

Of course, we can't forget the classic immunity boosters like sunshine, fresh air, and exercise.

It’s easy to get outside when the weather is beautiful, but trust me - I know how hard it is for those of us who live in a winter wonderland! If it's freezing outside and you can’t get out for a walk, try opening the windows for a bit and letting that fresh air flow in. And whenever possible, take a step outside to soak up some vitamin D and feel that invigorating breeze.

Immunity Superheros: Supplements, Products, & Tinctures

Okay, now I'm going to go on a little health products rant, but bear with me, they're really good ones! These products will help you boost your immune system to prevent sickness AND help you feel better faster if you do end up getting sick.


Rowe Casa’s elderberry tincture is a lifesaver! My son takes it whenever he starts feeling under the weather, and I swear by it too. When I feel a cold coming on, I take a tablespoon every two hours – it works like magic! And that's not all – they also have an incredible antioxidant product that I like to take regularly for good immune system maintenance. Seriously, elderberry is fantastic, and you can find it in so many places. You can even make it yourself if you happen to get your hands on some elderberries.

Decongestants & Ear Pain Relief

When those pesky sinus headaches hit, I always reach for the sinus and headache decongestant salve from Rowe Casa – it's like magic! And guess what? They've got something amazing for the little ones too – the baby decongestion salve is a lifesaver! But here's a pro tip: make sure you have their lymph cream on hand too. Sometimes your lymph needs a little help in the drainage department, and a self-lymph massage can do wonders. 

Oh, and let me tell you about their earache oil. My kiddos love it when they're not feeling their best – it's a must-have in our home! 

And don't forget the magnesium cream – it's a game-changer for relaxation and support. 

And for those moments when someone's feeling extra cranky from being sick, these relief drops will come to the rescue. 

Sore throats? They've got you covered too with their sinus and throat gargle. I won't lie; it might taste nasty, but boy, does it work wonders!

Whew, I feel like I just listed Rowe Casa’s entire catalog but their products are just so good. We have a whole podcast episode about what makes them so good so if you’re wondering why I’m raving so much about them, go check that out

Aside from all the amazing Rowe Casa products, I’ve found another amazing product for earaches for my littles. It’s called Similasan Kids Ear Relief. You can easily find it at your local grocery store for around $6 – a real steal for the relief it brings. I simply apply it to their ears once a day as a preventative measure, especially when there's any hint of sinus trouble. Prevention is key, right?

AHCC & Mushrooms 

Personally, I've been a huge fan of AHCC from Quality Life Labs for quite some time. AHCC is Active hexose correlated compound and it’s a proprietary mushroom extract derived from the mycelia of shiitake. It's like an immune intelligence booster, backed by over 30 clinical trials! 

For my son, Landon, I do something extra special. I open up an AHCC capsule and mix it into his drink – a small yet powerful boost for his immune system. 

I've talked a lot about the benefits of mushrooms in the past, so be sure to check out the blog post and podcast for more in-depth info on mushrooms!

ARMRA Colostrum & Vitamin C

Another little gem in my arsenal is ARMRA Colostrum – a superfood made from bovine colostrum and bioactive compounds. This supplement has amazing gut and immune support properties. I started taking it a few months back after being blown away by the research backing it.

We also swear by the Vitamin C from Vital Life – it's like our daily dose of wellness goodness.

Homeopathy and Cell Salts

First things first, let's clear up any confusion – cell salts are different from homeopathy but equally awesome. You can find both at the same place, so don't worry about hunting all over town. For those personalized homeopathy remedies, I always recommend grabbing a handy book for sickness – it's like having your health superhero at your fingertips! Build up your collection slowly, just like I did, so you'll have the perfect support when you need it most. Trust me, you'll thank yourself later!

The beauty of homeopathy is that it works based on your symptoms, so you get personalized support. Feeling stuffy? Grab some Pulsatilla to help clear those drainage pathways. If you notice red spots on your cheeks, Bella Donna or Ferrum Phosphoricum could be your best buds. And for fevers, check out Bryonia Alba or Aconitum Napellus – they can be a game-changer! To get started, just grab a book on homeopathy for sickness – it's a small investment with a ton of benefits.

Building an At-Home Apothecary

Now, here's a pro tip – stock up on your sickness preventions BEFORE you actually need them. Don't wait for illness to strike before getting prepared. Slowly build up your apothecary during sales and discounts – it's like a treasure trove of health gems. I've been curating my collection for a couple of years now, and let me tell you, it's so worth it! Plus, homeopathy has a long shelf life, so you can stash it away for when you need it most.

But let's talk about building up your health stash with some awesome sales and discounts.


I have a few coupon codes that you can use to get the best bang for your buck:

ENERGYbits®: Spirulina & Chlorella Algae: LEAHB for 20% off

Rowe Casa Organics: LEAHB for 20% off your first order

Eversio Mushroom Extracts: LEAH for 15% off


For Rowe Casa, my coupon code LEAHB will give you 20% off your first order, so be sure to stock up using that. Then make sure that you’re signed up for their text alerts so you’ll be notified of their sales. When I spot a sale at Rowe Casa, you can bet I’m stocking up on all my favorites! Waiting for those random coupon codes is the best way to build up your stash without breaking the bank.

I also love browsing through Instagram to discover small shops with unique herbal tinctures. One of my all-time faves is Skullcap – it's a respiratory superstar!

And things like herbal tinctures have a long shelf life, so you can stock up during sales and keep them safely in your apothecary. It's like having a personal wellness cabinet at your disposal.

Elevating Immunity with Sound Healing

Here’s one you may not have heard of before - using sound healing to boost your immune system! You can actually use frequencies to influence your brainwaves and overall frequencies positively.

One fantastic way to do this is through binaural beats – those two tones played at slightly different frequencies in each ear. This technique has been used for ailments like arthritis, fibromyalgia, and chronic pain, promoting healing and reducing discomfort. But that's not all – it can also work wonders in improving circulation and even emotional well-being. Sounds like magic, right?

I personally love using the Rife app for frequencies. It's like my secret weapon against sickness! With frequency programs for sinus infections, earaches, fevers, and more, it's a game-changer for my kiddos and me. And the best part? It's completely safe and effective! You can also explore frequencies for headaches, neck pain, anxiety, and even mold-related issues. I have clients who swear by its power for various health concerns!

Just remember to use frequencies mindfully and avoid overdoing it – you don't want to bombard your system with a single frequency all night long. That won't make your body too happy! So, hop on the frequency train and give it a try. It's an awesome addition to your wellness toolkit, and you'll be amazed at the positive vibes it brings to your life!

Here's to a thriving immune system!

I hope you’ll give some of these natural remedies a try to boost your immune system and keep those pesky bugs at bay! With a little help from homeopathy, cell salts, and some health product magic from Rowe Casa and Similasan, you'll have a treasure trove of wellness goodness at your fingertips. Not to mention, the power of frequencies to amp up your overall well-being.

Remember, slow and steady wins the race – build up your health arsenal gradually, and you'll be a natural health pro in no time! So, here's to a thriving immune system and a healthier, happier you!


Switch & Ditch Guide

Non-Toxic Product Swaps

Simple product swaps and recommendations to help you remove toxins and chemicals from your life! This guide will support you in choosing less toxic options when it's time to purchase your everyday products again.


The recommendations presented in this blog are not a substitute for medical advice from a qualified doctor. Before making any changes to your diet and lifestyle, please consult with your health care provider.


Some of these links contain affiliate links.


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